Robert Twilley是路易斯安那州海运赠送学院和LSU海洋和沿海科学系教授的执行董事。他于2005年在LSU的Louisiana环境研究中一直是一名杰出的教授,并在2007年至2010年到2010年至2010年湿地生物园艺研究所的研究和经济发展副校长,包括2004年至2007年的副总理。2010年,他担任Louisiana大学副总裁的两年,Louisiana在拉斐特设法UL研究园区和7000万美元的研究企业。He earned the UL Lafayette Foundation’s Distinguished Professor Award in 2000, where he was a professor in biology from 1986 to 2004. He founded the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio in 2009, and also founded the Center for Ecology and Environmental Technology (CEET) at UL Lafayette in 1999. Most of his research has focused on coastal wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico, throughout Latin America, and in the Pacific Islands. He has published extensively on wetland ecology, global climate change, and has been involved in developing ecosystem models coupled with engineering designs to forecast the rehabilitation of coastal and wetland ecosystems.