Nadav Malin
Nadav Malin is president ofBuildingGreenand oversees the company’s industry-leading information and community-building resources, includingEnvironmental Building News,its sister publicationGreenSpec,and the project certification help toolLEEDuser.
When theLEED rating systemwas just starting out, Nadav was tapped to lead its new Materials and Resources Technical Advisory Group, which he chaired throughout LEED’s formative years. A long-serving member of the national LEED Faculty, he is a sought-after speaker for USGBC, AIA, and CSI events, and as a consultant to architecture firms and government agencies alike. Nadav领导the team that created the U.S. Department of Energy’s High Performance Buildings Database, and continues to oversee BuildingGreen’s responsibility for ensuring the quality of case studies and collecting meaningful data on actual building performance. When he is not facilitating a rich conversation among design professionals, he can often be found chasing a hockey puck or a soccer ball, depending on the season.