朱迪Layzer是环境政策的林德职业发展副教授在城市研究与规划系在麻省理工学院,联合指导环境政策和规划集团的社会,商业和环境项目。她也将是即将要被推出了城市可持续发展项目在麻省理工学院的主任。竞彩足球app怎么下载Layzer的研究和教学的重点放在科学,价值观和讲故事的环境政治中的作用,以及对不同的方法,以环境规划和管理的有效性。Now in its second edition, Professor Layzer’s book, The Environmental Case: Translating Values Into Policy (CQ Press, 2006) describes 16 prominent cases of environmental policymaking, ranging from local disputes over hazardous waste to national controversies over public lands and international conflicts over global warming. In Natural Experiments: Ecosystem Management and the Environment (MIT Press, 2008), Layzer aims to explain whether and how ecosystem-based management results in more environmentally beneficial policies and practices than the conventional regulatory approach. She analyzes seven cases, including the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program, the San Diego Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, the California Bay-Delta Program, and the Kissimmee River Restoration.