Cristina Mittermeier
克里斯蒂娜(Cristina)是一位出生于墨西哥的海洋生物学家和摄影师,专门研究海洋和土著文化的保护问题。作为过去25年的作家和摄影师,她的工作集中在人类福祉和健康生态系统之间的微妙平衡上。克里斯蒂娜(Cristina)编辑了24本关于保护问题的咖啡桌书籍,她的作品已发表在包括科学和自然在内的著名出版物中。She is one of Sony’s Artisans of Imagery, was recently recognized as one of the World’s top 40 Most Influential Outdoor Photographers by Outdoor Magazine, is a past recipient of the Nature’s Best/Smithsonian Conservation Photographer of the Year award and the North American Nature Photographer’s Association Mission Award. Cristina President and Co-founder of SeaLegacy.