他也是山核桃街公司,包括奥斯汀能源,德州大学,商会等几个大型高/清洁技术公司旨在使在国家电网根本性的变化伙伴关系的领导人。Jim also helped to design and to advocate for some of the most innovative state legislation in the country including the Texas Renewable Portfolio Standard that led to almost 10,000 MW’s of new wind energy in Texas and the first-in-the-nation “no regrets” global warming law.
吉姆是从2002年EDF的国家气候行动计划主任,直到2009年。在那个位置,他帮助直接EDF的成功在美国,从西海岸到新英格兰地区和佛罗里达州的法律法规的范围广泛,以减少温室气体的排放。Among EDF’s most important state climate victories was the passage of the California Car Greenhouse Gas Standards in 2002 that ultimately lead to national greenhouse standards for automobiles in 2010 and the passage of AB32 in 2006, the first state legislation with a cap on statewide emissions of greenhouse gases.