嘉吉已经充分拥有Natureworks.,Ingeo Bioplastic的制造商,之后蒂基决定不再成为合资企业的一部分。
The companies announced that they are dissolving the joint venture on friendly terms, and that the change will not affect day-to-day operations at NatureWorks, whose Ingeo plastics and fibers are being used by more than 100 brands and retailers in the U.S., Europe and Asia to make a wide range of packaging, bed sheets, pillows, cleaning wipes and more.
The companies announced that they are dissolving the joint venture on friendly terms, and that the change will not affect day-to-day operations at NatureWorks, whose Ingeo plastics and fibers are being used by more than 100 brands and retailers in the U.S., Europe and Asia to make a wide range of packaging, bed sheets, pillows, cleaning wipes and more.