



The Forrester survey asked over 5,400 U.S. residents about how they shop, and whether they're willing to pay a premium for a green or socially responsible product and finds a small but notable minority willing to shell out: between 61 and 72 percent said they were influenced by socially responsible or environmentally friendly elements of a product, although just 18 and 15 percent would pay extra for each respective type of product.

"Despite the fact that nearly one in five U.S. consumers thinks that the "green" movement is just a fad, the portion of consumers who will pay for products and buy from companies that are environmentally and socially responsible is not trivial," writes Sally M. Cohen, the report's author. "What's more, these consumers are a lucrative group, both in the short term -- they are willing pay more for green and ethically produced products -- and in the long term, as they are brand-loyal shoppers and will stick with companies that continue to support their own ethical agendas."

因此,科恩解释说,将绿色放在产品要求列表的顶部 - 以及营销材料 - 可以导致产品差异化,从为绿色产品付出溢价的那些客户的增量收入,以及识别产品的品牌忠诚度这与这些购物者的相同价值相同。




The final of the surveys comes from the Carbon Trust Standard, which found among adults in the U.K. much the same results as among U.S. residents: 66 percent of consumers said they believe it's important to buy from environmentally responsible companies, and 14 percent also said they had "voted with their feet" and not bought a product from a company based on their environmental reputation.

“这项研究表明,即使在经济衰退的中间,消费者的价值也不会改变,”碳信任标准负责人Harry Morrison说。“他们希望公司采取行动和削减碳足迹,并提供透明和可观的行动证据。我们相信采取实际行动的公司将抓住立即节省成本和更强大的声誉的公司,这对业务有益。”

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