



“在第一年的第一年,市民教育项目创造了一代新一代的城市活跃和受过教育的学生,他们帮助说服辛辛那提校委员会在整个城市创造更健康的学校。地球日网络正在创造环境民主,新的绿色运动。That is our vision, said Kathleen Rogers, EDN president. “This is only the first step in Cincinnati and we’re already expanding to other cities because every city in the United States holds unique environmental challenges that can act as a civic education experience for students."

During the May 8th meeting of the Cincinnati Board of Education, the Director of the Facilities Branch for Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) presented high performance design guidelines, which clarify the Board’s decision to use the best practices of green building design in partnership with the Cincinnati chapter of U.S. Green Building Council. These guidelines will now be included in the CPS Building Standards, with the goal of building and operating sustainable high performance school facilities that are environmentally and fiscally responsible, healthy places to learn and work that promote student achievement.

一个当地的绿色建筑倡导集团,领导力和互联联盟(盟友),为实现这一成就的地球日网络公民教育项目提供了信贷。“I believe that this year’s Earth Day Network Green School Civic Education Project provided the nudge for Cincinnati Public Schools to announce that they are going to go green with the rest of the schools being built and renovated,” said Ginny Frazier, executive director of ALLY.

Earth Day Network chose four schools in Cincinnati and one in Washington, D.C. for the first year of the Civic Education Project, 2005-2006, because each city faces significant environmental problems and educational obstacles and is home to a large number of minority and low-income students. In Cincinnati, more than 76% of students are of a minority race and approximately 2/3 of all students receive free or reduced lunches.

在辛辛那提,五位教师参加:John Dean和Shelby Louden在Aiken College和Career高中,Penelope Greenler在Winton Montessori,Kamlesh Jindal在Bond Hill Academy,以及与辛辛那提Park Board的Erin Morris。这些教师及其学生专注于绿色学校,因为辛辛那提从事1亿美元的学校翻新计划。
  • Penelope Greenler和Winton Montessori的学生们曾努力创建他们的学校设计作为绿色建筑。她和她的学生参加了领导和互连联盟的规划会议,了解如何为建立绿色学校创造支持,并与帮助他们设计他们希望成为新的Winton Montessori模型的建筑师。

  • 在Bond Hill Academy,Kamlesh Jindal和她的学生围绕回收政治创建了一个公民外展计划。他们在学校设计和实施了模型回收计划,然后向社区领导人和城市官员伸展,以扩展他们的想法,同时通过研究绿色建筑如何利用回收材料来扩展他们的想法。

  • 来自辛辛那提公园董事会的Erin Morris,学校后与学生合作。她和她的学生研究了绿色学校的外观如何旨在充当学习环境。他们与城市官员合作,以创造绿色学校外观景观的潜在设计,以便它具有明显的环境效益。

  • John Dean和Shelby Louden,Aiken College和Career High学校与学生合作,为绿色学校建立社区支持。他们参加了社区会议,并进行了一项运动,以创造绿色学校经济,教育和环境效益的认识。目标是不仅仅是来自当地政治家的支持,而且来自社区大。
During the Cincinnati School Board’s May 22nd meeting, the teachers and students who participated in the Civic Education Project each presented the results of their green schools projects and enthusiastically urged board members to consider the full range of benefits green schools provide, including an increase in class attendance and academic performance.

“参加市民教育项目帮助我看到了绿色和高性能学校环境对学生的影响。”Penelope Greenler说。“我们的孩子值得拥有健康的学校,并加强他们的教育。尽管他们的学校环境不好,但透气不足,噪音太多,噪音太多,空间不足,而且没有足够的空间,他们不应该学习。
