

Citing the enormous risks that insurance companies face from escalating losses caused by extreme weather events and the financial risks and opportunities associated with climate change, 20 leading U.S. investors urged 30 of the largest publicly-held insurance companies in North America to disclose their financial exposure from climate change and steps they are taking to reduce those financial impacts.


The investor request comes on the heels of devastating back-to-back hurricane seasons in the U.S. that caused a record $30 billion in insured losses in 2004 and as much as $60 billion in insured losses from Hurricane Katrina alone in 2005. While no individual weather event can ever be attributed to global warming, scientific data indicate that rising global temperatures will likely increase the frequency and intensity of hurricanes, floods, drought, wildfires, and other extreme weather events.

According to a recent study by the Ceres investor coalition, U.S. insurers have seen a 15-fold increase in insured losses from catastrophic weather events in the past three decades -- increases that have far out-stripped growth in premiums, population and inflation over the same time period. The study,可用性和保险项下的气候变化的承受能力:成长的挑战 - 美国一警告说,在多年的较大的经济损失,如果未来气候变化的趋势继续下去,不采取动作要面对的挑战。






“保险公司可能面临双重打击或气候变化的双重打击。除了哄抬索赔,它可能会影响保险公司的投资组合中股票和债券的价值,”康涅狄格州财长Nappier,它的$ 21十亿养老基金有500多万投资于财产险和再保险的股票$说。


In announcing his support of the letter, Comptroller Thompson said: “As the investment officer of the city’s five pension funds, I am particularly concerned that the failure of these companies to fully consider potential climate change risks in their underwriting process could adversely affect the financial performance of these companies and the pension funds’ investment interests.”

“投资者越来越关注气候变化带来的金融风险,我们的利益是保险业,它是那样直接暴露在全球气候变暖的实际影响特别强烈,”杰克Ehnes,加州州立教师首席执行官’ Retirement System (CalSTRS), one of the country’s largest public pension funds.


“Hurricane Katrina reminded all Americans of the destructive power of natural disasters,” said California State Treasurer Phil Angelides, a board member at the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS), the nation’s largest and third largest public pension funds with over $300 billion in assets. “Insurance companies simply can’t afford to ignore climate change. As shareholders, we must hold the companies we own accountable and demand they adopt strategies that will enable them to survive in a changing world.”
