

Methane gas derived from dairy manure offers a substitute for natural gas that can power motor vehicles, according to a new study released by a collaboration of energy, dairy, and environmental groups. Known as biomethane, the gas is entirely renewable and environmentally preferable, and can be produced locally.

"There are 8.5 million cows in the United States, each producing enough manure to potentially generate about 30 cubic feet of biomethane per day, which could replace significant amounts of natural gas at today's prices," said Allen Dusault, biofuels project manager for Sustainable Conservation. “If used as vehicle fuel, biomethane could power a million cars.”

The new study, “Biomethane from Dairy Waste: A Sourcebook for the Production and Use of Renewable Natural Gas in California,” offers the most effective and economical technologies for producing biomethane, as well as specific applications and markets for the gas.


“It is not actually the manure we’ll put in the tank,” said Paul Martin, environmental services director of Western United Dairymen. “We’ll use the gas that forms when manure is processed in a methane digester and then upgraded to vehicle fuel quality. More than a dozen methane digesters are operating or under construction on dairy farms in California. Dairy farmers in New York, Wisconsin and other states are also discovering the economic, environmental and community benefits of locally produced energy.”

Currently, some of the methane produced on dairy farms is used to generate electricity. However, the methane digesters can be upgraded to make biomethane for vehicle fuel. As technology advances, market forces evolve and infrastructure is created, biomethane may become a viable vehicle fuel on the farm and/or for local sale and distribution.

California has particularly good reasons for using biomethane. The state is home to more than 1.7 million dairy cows, with a technically feasible potential for producing about 18 billion cubic feet of methane a year, equivalent to over 150 million gallons of gasoline. The San Joaquin Valley, where most of the cows reside, has some of the nation’s most polluted air. A dairy biomethane industry along Highway 99 could serve as the start for a renewable fuel highway, possibly evolving in the future into a ‘renewable hydrogen highway,’ should it prove advantageous to convert biomethane to hydrogen.

“Unlike ethanol and biodiesel, biomethane receives no direct government funding or incentives. To quickly achieve the full potential of biomethane, the federal and state governments must support development of the technology, markets, programmatic infrastructure and regulatory environment that will allow rapid use of this practical, domestic energy resource,” said Michael Marsh, CEO, Western United Dairymen.

Biomethane from Dairy Waste: A Sourcebook for the Production and Use of Renewable Natural Gas in California代表了来自各种专业的专家之间的合作,包括先进的运输技术,替代燃料,乳制品运营和环境影响。好用的买球外围app网站该研究由美国农业部 - 农村发展部的赠款资助。项目合作伙伴包括可持续保护,西部联合乳制品,环境管理研究所,大山谷中心,Calstart和RCM Digesters。

Full text of the study is available for download在线的.