MATT KOPAC是Burt Bees的可持续商业和创新经理,这是一个领先的自然健康和美容护理业务,在那里他通过制定和提供品牌的可持续发展战略来保护和促进生计和性质。竞彩足球app怎么下载马特的工作跨度负责采购,可持续包装,运营足迹管理,客户和行业关系,导致营销和员工参与。MATT也是社区和文化的冠军,指导社区服务努力,并作为Burt的Bees基金会的副总裁和财务主管。超越Burt的蜜蜂,Matt促进了一个更公平的当地经济作为达勒姆生活工资项目的联合创始人和主席,并建议当地政府官员就杜勒姆环境事务委员会的被任命者和主席为止。作为最近的艾森豪威尔人,马特在当地经济的循环过渡中沉浸了自己。Prior to joining Burt’s Bees in 2012, Matt led sustainability efforts for a tech company in North Carolina, was a consultant to high impact social enterprises on three continents, advocated for triple-bottom line community economic development policy in Washington, DC, and was a Small Enterprise Development Peace Corps Volunteer supporting women’s cooperatives in Benin, West Africa. Matt has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA from the Yale School of Management, where he was elected Student Body President. He is an avid international traveler, and a student of languages and cultures. Matt lives in Durham with his wife and two boys.