Jason Hartke
JasonHartke, Ph.D.,was named president of the Alliance to Save Energy in 2018, bringing more than a decade of leadership experience in energy efficiency and sustainability. The Alliance — a nonprofit, bipartisan alliance of business, government, environmental and consumer leader — has worked for more than four decades to advance energy efficiency worldwide to achieve economic growth, a cleaner environment and greater energy security, affordability and reliability.
Prior to joining the Alliance,Hartkeoversaw the Department of Energy’s efforts to advance and accelerate energy efficiency in commercial buildings, a sector that accounts for nearly 20 percent of the nation’s energy consumption.Hartkeled the roughly $30 million program, working closely with national laboratories and partners in industry to develop and deploy innovative solutions, strategies and technologies aimed at unlocking significant energy savings.
Before his tenure at DOE,Jasonspent nearly a decade as a senior executive at the U.S. Green Building Council, where he led national and international green building programs and campaigns designed to help strengthen the economy and protect the environment. As senior vice president of global policy development,Jasonoversaw mission-critical policy and advocacy efforts that helped result in the passage of historic federal investment in green building, new federal leadership programs in energy efficiency, and a fourfold increase in green building policies at the state and local level. He also led several signature national advocacy programs in sustainable and resilient communities, energy efficiency, green schools and green affordable housing.