Gregory C. Staple @cleanskiesfdn Gregory Staple linkedin Gregory C. Staple is a Washington, D.C., energy lawyer and entrepreneur. Since 2010, he has also directed the non-profit American Clean Skies Foundation. His prior GreenBiz series on energy innovation can be foundhere.
California's Grid Geeks: A beacon of hope January 30, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple Meaningful climate action will require the U.S., and the world, to register many California-sized renewable energy grid success stories. Renewable Energy California
California's Grid Geeks: Mastering kinetic force January 27, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple California's wind and solar farms can generate the electricity to power its grid — but it needn't go it alone. Renewable Energy California
California's Grid Geeks: Flattening the 'duck curve' January 25, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple California must build a stable grid in which swinging renewable energy supply matches varying demand. Renewable Energy California
California's grid geeks: Renewables as good 'grid citizens' January 23, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple In building a cleaner grid that spans multiple states, renewables have to do more than simply provide energy. Renewable Energy California
California's grid geeks: The keepers of a clean future January 20, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple Take a closer look at the group that has long seen itself as responsible for California’s clean energy future. Renewable Energy California
California's grid geeks: Deep green in the time of Trump January 18, 2017 ByGregory C. Staple In the face of the president-elect's apparent indifference to global warming, the state has become a beacon of hope for renewable energy advocates. Renewable Energy Policy & Politics California
4 ways to strengthen Bill Gates' energy innovation push March 9, 2016 ByGregory C. Staple Calling all billionaires! Imagine a center for energy innovation outside the nation's capital. And that's just one way you can help. Energy & Climate Innovation Public-Private Partnerships
How to close the energy innovation gap March 8, 2016 ByGregory C. Staple Even if the Clean Power Plan persists, it can only go so far. Here's why. Energy & Climate Innovation
Google is just a small slice in the new corporate PPA boom August 4, 2015 ByGregory C. Staple&Geoff Bromaghim This chart shows how corporate green power purchases in 2015 are already double the level of 2013. Renewable Energy 电力购买协议
California companies, want clean energy? Back this bill June 4, 2015 ByGregory C. Staple&Robert Collier With a deep-green makeover, this little-known legislation would give Golden State businesses a huge boost to sidestep utilities and adopt renewables. Renewable Energy Energy & Climate