普里亚巴鲁阿作为对市场创新和实用参与在REBA高级经理。她有实用的业务模式,监管框架,以及企业的能源购买策略的专业知识。Prior to joining REBA, she worked at the World Resources Institute where she helped establish WRI’s work on green tariffs and fostered collaborations between utilities and large energy buyers in traditional, regulated markets, to develop innovative utility business models that support an efficient and economic transition to clean energy resources, including leading the Special Clean Power Council (CPC) for Customers and Utilities. Prior to WRI, she worked at the World Bank on renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives in India and Afghanistan. She also worked at ICF International, supporting the ENERGY STAR energy efficiency program, and at IHS Emerging Energy Research, producing solar market development reports on the Asia-Pacific region. Priya holds a Master in Public Policy degree from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brandeis University.