Neil Russell是Sysco Corporation的投资者关系,通信和财务主管的副总裁。
Neil Russell是Sysco Corporation的投资者关系,通信和财务主管的副总裁。在重新加入Sysco之前,Neil担任Veritiv Corporation的公司事务高级副总裁,他领导了公司的投资者关系,企业沟通,企业责任和政府关系职能。在此之前,他花了超过Sysco副总裁,投资者关系,成功管理与股票市场的关系,并创建一个有针对性的投资者计划,以进一步发展股东基地。在开始他的职业生涯的战略规划,收入管理和美国西航空公司的财务审计之后,尼尔在达美航空公司的各种投资者关系,财务分析和战略规划角色上花了近十年。Neil enjoys volunteering with children’s charities including teaching for the past ten years with Junior Achievement and currently serving as Treasurer on the Board of Directors for Kids’ Meals, a Houston based non-profit offering free, in home, lunch delivery to pre-school aged children. He has also served as a board member for the March of Dimes, on the advisory board of the Sustainable Food Lab, on the corporate advisory board of Southwest Airlines and on the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Advisory Board.