自1996年以来,Doug Kenney一直在于自然资源法规中心。
自1996年以来,Doug Kenney一直在自然资源法律中心。他在几个与水有关的问题上进行了广泛研究和写作,包括法律和政策改革,流域和流域水平规划,制度安排的设计,水资源经济学,以及解决复杂资源问题的替代策略。Dr. Kenney has served as a consultant to a variety of local, state, multi-state, and federal agencies, including several Interior Department agencies, EPA, the US Forest Service, and special commissions (e.g., the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission); and national governments and non-governmental organizations in Asia and Africa. Additionally, he has made presentations in (at least) 19 states (and the District of Columbia), 7 nations, and 4 continents.