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The case for natural capital accounting

Few companies today account in their financial statements for the value of natural capital — resources such as clean water, tillable soil, breathable air and other resources that are often taken for granted or assumed to be free.

But if those costs were tallied globally, the liability would be considerably more than $1 trillion, according to a new index included in the sixth annual绿色业务状态报告于周二发布。与美国公司相关的自然资本成本约为3516亿美元。

格林比斯集团(Greenbiz Group)董事长兼执行编辑乔尔·麦克奥尔(Joel Makerower)在最近的格林比斯(Greenbiz)中说:“如果这里有一件事要带走,那是如果公司必须支付实际资本的实际费用,那么它将大大吞噬利润。”网络广播讨论发现。



Here's the answer: Total environmental costs as a percent of revenue are an average of 3.66 percent for U.S. companies and 3.76 percent for global firm.


"If you had to actually pay for air pollution or pay for water as it relates to its scarcity, it would have a very significant impact," said Richard Mattison, Trucost CEO, during the GreenBiz webcast.



联合国环境计划Achim Steiner说:“将资本纳入底线是要将地球的真正财富从无形的范围带入可见的光谱中,以使从退化到社区,企业和国家的可持续管理的平衡。”宣布该声明时,执行董事和副部长。


One area where disclosure will play an increasingly critical role relates to water consumption, said Mattison. In most regions, the price of water is out of sync with its actual scarcity, despite a growing focus on conservation by many of the companies considered in the new report.




照片provided by布鲁斯·罗夫(Bruce Rolff)/shutterstock

Certainly, the flagrant misuse of natural capital represents a significant risk. Mattison cites the example of China's excessive clear-cutting timber harvest policies, which decimated its forests and completed disrupted the water cycle there. The ripple effect was enormous, with an estimated $30 billion in losses to its gross domestic product in a single year after the黄河干燥

A more recent example of the potential impact centers on the Mississippi River, in the form of dredging operations that have been necessary to keep the waterway open during the historic U.S. drought this year.


This isn't just a good idea from the planet's point of view; it could also help that company keep its costs lower than those of the competition.


有关拥抱自然资本会计的含义的更多信息,请观看这​​个Greenbizvideowith Makower and Mattison.


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