
Harnessing Daylight for Energy Savings

正确设计建筑物并控制眩光和太阳热增益可以减少一半以上的能源费用。大卫·科兹洛夫斯基(David Kozlowski)


The problem is the incredible amount of energy in sunlight. On a clear day, the sun provides 8,000 to 10,000 foot-candles of light. Even through the glass, it provides 5,000 foot-candles on a clear day and 1,000 foot-candles on a cloudy day. Most people need a mere 35 foot-candles to read. Compounding the problem is sunlight is as much heat as visible light. The sunlight that pours through a typical 4-by-8-foot window section in an afternoon can heat 15 to 30 gallons of water to a temperature hot enough to take a shower.





Renschler的可持续设计总监兼HVAC工程师Eric Truelove说:“日光设计的最大问题是我们仍然采用传统的建筑方法进行日光项目。”换句话说,建筑师和所有者设计建筑物,然后将其交给工程师,后者将其交给承包商。

In a typical case, the architect’s design offers plenty of glass for light, but that light brings with it too much heat, forcing the engineer to increase the cooling tonnage when the building is complete. It also becomes difficult to decrease lighting energy costs because when the building is complete, occupants demand blinds to cut down on glare. As a result, the blinds are drawn much of the day, requiring the use of electric lights. An owner who thought daylighting was going to save money finds out that the design not only costs more upfront but costs more to operate as well.

Truelove says if engineers and contractors are brought in at the beginning, then issues such as the type of glass, cooling loads and lighting systems can be addressed during design, saving on change order costs, mechanical and electrical costs and operating costs.


帕拉迪诺(Paladino)和公司(Paladino and Company)的高级顾问芭芭拉·埃文(Barbara Erwine)说:“当日光完成时,这是双赢的。”“这是双赢的,因为它的构建成本较小,而且运营成本较小。当做错事时,这是失败的。”


建筑物的位置和内部特征在日光设计中都很重要,应该是第一个要考虑的事情。由于位置有所不同,对室内设计的影响也有所不同,因此无法采用cookie cotter方法来进行白天的建筑物。凤凰城的一栋精心设计的日间建筑物的外观和功能与波士顿的日光浴建筑的方式不同。

Location has everything to do with access to daylight. An urban building may be shaded during part of the day, which will affect, not rule out, a daylighting strategy.

多个故事还会影响地板日光内的深入。有一些用于多层建筑物的解决方案,例如在建筑物的核心附近放置少量使用,过渡或空的空间 - 洗手间,复制房间或电梯。

好的日光设计还将影响建筑物的室内空间特征。白天的建筑物的内部应该使工作区域接近日光来源 - 无论是从窗户上旁观还是来自天窗的顶部照明。过渡或空置空间的放置应移至窗户最小的核心或其他区域。


美好的日光照明也将推动建筑物的方向。最佳位置是建筑物面向北部和南部的长边。这只会呈现一个长长的立面 - 南侧。通过面对建筑物的狭窄侧面,朝西的东部和午后的阳光在西部的早晨阳光下,建筑物已经减少了阳光的潜在热量增益。南侧的暴露在冬季最直接,当时太阳不太强烈。在夏天,它在天空中遵循的高弧度使南窗可以轻松地用水平悬垂着。

良好的日光照明将对窗户的尺寸和数量产生影响。一般而言,主人会希望东部和西侧的窗户很少,而在南部和北侧的窗户上不超过35%的立面,但能源中心的日光照明合作社艾比·沃格(Abby Vogen)说威斯康星州。可以使用更多的窗户,但需要非常高性能的玻璃。由于窗户比墙壁昂贵,因此更少的窗户也有助于降低项目的整体成本。



To achieve the high perimeter ceiling height for clerestory windows without changing overall floor-to-floor height, ceilings can be sloped, or stepped, away from the windows to allow HVAC ducts to be accommodated in the center of the space, Erwine says.




该空间的其他物理特征包括浅色天花板,墙壁和家具。照明设计师James Benya说,对天花板和墙壁的反射尤其重要。天花板材料现在具有90%或更高的反射率值。建议考虑80%或更多的值。墙壁应提供50%至70%的反射率,地板和家具从20%至45%。

日光设计中最大的挑战是控制眩光和热量。建筑物所有者选择的玻璃用于日光建筑物实际上是地理位置的函数。例如,可接受的可见透射率 - 玻璃将允许的光量 - 中西部的光线可能从20%到50%不等,但西南的光线可能从18%到30%。Vogen说,西北地区的范围可能高达70%至80%。






With all the sunlight coming into the space also comes heat, unless the glass is equally specified to control for solar heat gain. With the use of various low-emissivity (low-e) coatings, glass can have a solar heat gain coefficient -- a measurement of solar radiation, mostly as heat, allowed to pass through the glass -- of as low as .25. That means only 25% of the potential heat from sunlight enters the building. A single pane of typical clear glass will allow 80% or more of available solar heat in.



“The movement of the sun varies throughout the year so it’s difficult to design any single feature that will take care of everything,” Erwine says. “Plus occupants like to have the ability to control the environment in their space and can often do so without affecting the quality of the daylighting design, if the design is a good one and they understand the design.”




Unlike other physical features in a daylighted space, whether it’s structural beams or ductwork that should run perpendicular to the windows, the lighting fixtures should run parallel to the windows. This is so the lights can be zoned -- dimmed or turned off in sections according to the intensity and penetration of daylight into the space during various times of the day.


In poor examples of daylighting designs, lighting sensors are poorly located and rarely commissioned. The installation is handed off to contractors who have little understanding about the complexities of a daylighting system. Contractors often merely split the distance between the windows and the farthest wall with little regard as to how daylight is actually distributed.

If done right, however, lighting controls can be the heart of an energy-saving daylight design. According to Heschong Mahone Group, which has done extensive research on daylighting, energy savings from daylighting controls can range from about 50 cents per square foot to 75 cents per square foot depending on the building type, location, operation and local cost of energy.

“We have enough knowledge and information now to place the sensor so we can get good energy savings,” Erwine says. But like so much about daylighting, the placement of sensors is site and building design specific.


“The energy benefits of a good daylighting system are critical to building owners,” Vogen says. “To achieve the benefits, building owners have to support a design strategy for their buildings that involves all the design professionals -- architects, engineers, designers and contractors -- working together from the beginning. That’s the only way to be successful and for the building to be cost-effective.”

大卫·科兹洛夫斯基(David Kozlowski)是一位自由作家,涵盖了设施管理的十多年。


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