Marco Krapels.
Marco Krapels是私募股权公司Pegasus Capital Advisor的合伙人。在加入Pegasus之前,他是Rabobank的一位执行副总统,在那里他在他的18年与银行管理了各个部门。自2007年以来,克拉普尔斯LED rabobank N.A.在加利福尼亚州的可再生能源财务部门,资本市场和专业融资区域。他是银行信贷委员会的成员,也将其公司社会责任(CSR)委员会共同主持。Krapels在食品,能源和水部门的银行业职业生涯中关闭了超过10亿美元的债务交易。He managed teams in London, the Netherlands and the U.S.. Krapels has spoken about the renewable energy sector at Google Talks, the Nantucket Project, the San Francisco Commonwealth Club and has been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, Forbes and the San Francisco Chronicle. He is on the board of renewable energy focused non-profit foundations The Solutions Project and Empowered by Light. He received his B.S. with a major in economics from Jacksonville State University and attended the Kellogg School of Management’s Executive Education Program in General Management.