Kristin Igusky.
Kristin Igusky是世界资源研究所气候计划中的副员工。她支持WRI与美国和美国联邦机构的努力,因为它们共同努力,并与制定减少温室气体排放的计划。
在加入WRI之前,Kristin与Saic的气候变化服务团队合作,她专注于联邦政府机构,地方政府和私营部门实体的广泛温室气体管理项目。Projects included supporting the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s national inventory of greenhouse gases, EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program and the EPA Climate Leaders Program, researching issues related to new and existing carbon offsets project types, and developing community-level GHG inventories for cities and counties across the country.