Join leading organizations WBCSD, U.N. Global Compact and GRI for an in-depth, interactive tutorial that will explore the implications of the Sustainable Development Goals for business, highlight emerging trends and developments across the business and SDG landscape, and underline best practice around strategic alignment with the SDG agenda. This session will address key enablers and barriers to effective integration of the SDGs into business strategy as well as trends in corporate reporting and how best to account for your SDG progress. Participating in this tutorial will help you develop a comprehensive SDG strategy for your own organization.
8:30-8:55 AM:欢迎和上下文设置
8:55-9:45 AM:第1部分:了解您的基线和原则的优先级(促进小组话题)
9:45-10:35 AM:第2部分:使SDGs可操作用于商务:加紧野心和有效整合(面板)
10:35-10:55 AM:网络和茶歇
10:55-11:45 AM:第3部分:报告和通信(面板)
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM:总结和下一步