迪尔德丽·怀特是在建设三部门伙伴关系,以解决世界上最紧迫的挑战全球公认的领导者。作为PYXERA全球的CEO,她曾带领组织一个最大化通过强有力和战略伙伴关系的影响的转变。迪尔德丽的专长涵盖私有,公共和社会部门的经验。在PYXERA环球她的社会部门的任期是由在国际研究与交流理事会(IREX)和美国议会早期的职业生涯角色的补充。She has also served on the Boards of Directors of the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) and the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy (now a signature initiative of PYXERA Global.) Prior to joining PYXERA Global in 2002, Deirdre was a senior manager in the Public Sector Practice at Arthur D. Little, Inc., leading projects focused on strategy and organization for the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, along with numerous government agencies across Eurasia. Deirdre began her career in the private sector, working with Welt International, a niche consulting firm engaged in non-conventional means (barter and countertrade) of financing international trade ventures. She later expanded her private sector experience as a senior manager in Arthur D. Little’s Moscow office, leading post-privatization restructuring efforts for large manufacturing enterprises in Russia and Ukraine. She also served as an organizational development adviser to several of the Eurasian oil and gas sector’s largest firms.