
Today’s investment dollars are going toward business models that are strikingly myopic in their approach, based on the belief that increased consumption is the key to economic growth. As everyone knows, however, our Earth’s natural resources are finite, and they are更快地降解比我们补充他们。因此,我们需要从“更多的消费”转变为“更好的消费”模型。我们需要一种具有前瞻性的策略,这将帮助我们在人口增加的食物种植食物时,为生态系统增强弹性和再生。
Although DDT is now banned in the United States, other chemicals are similarly concerning. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is used extensively worldwide but has been linked to出生缺陷和癌症。In addition, a2009 paperpublished in the European Journal of Agronomy finds it compromises plants’ defense mechanisms, making them more susceptible to disease and ultimately leading to reduced yields.
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美国的农场规模也有所增加,这是由于1970年代的联邦政策有助于推动农田合并和单一养殖作物。根据经济研究服务report, as of 2007, farms with more than 1,000 acres now account for more than 60 percent of all U.S. farmland and more than 40 percent of all U.S. agricultural production value. While farm size is not inherently a problem, how the farm is managed can be: toxic, persistent chemical applications come at a cost to human health and the environment, and less diversification creates vulnerabilities in the system.
To further complicate matters, evidence in recent years demonstrates nature adapting to chemical spray through the evolution of “superweeds.” These weeds are chemical resistant;24种杂草are resistant to glyphosate. This results in farmers needing to use more — or more toxic — chemicals to combat them, which pollutes our soils and waters, creates known risks to humans and ultimately doesn’t help farmers.
最后,一个学习conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that no genetically engineered corn or soy crops increased intrinsic yields (yields grown under “ideal” conditions) in the U.S. Operational yields — those that occur under field conditions — also didn’t increase for herbicide-tolerant corn and soy crops. Only the built-in toxin trait for corn demonstrated modest increased yields of approximately 0.2-0.3 percent per year from 1996 to 2009. Relative to yield increases from conventional breeding – corn yields have increased an average of 1 percent per year in the past several decades – it appears the impact of GMO crops is modest, at best.
To feed our growing population sustainably, the food community must rethink the system and accelerate investment in a more sustainable future. The innovations already are out there. Now we need to refine and replicate them throughout the world. And we need to get to critical mass, because it’s not just one company that needs to invest in these innovations in order to feed 9 billion by 2050. Rather, it’s all of us who must think about where we invest our resources — be it the financial sector, the food sector, the government, nonprofit organizations or simply ourselves, the eaters.
We can do this by moving toward broader, big-picture systems thinking, which tells us that we can’t understand a problem by looking only at individual parts. Instead, we must understand how the parts interact with and influence each other. As naturalist John Muir famously said, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
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投资农业农业- 尽管许多农民严重依赖化学投入来种植农作物,但一些农民正在寻找通过农业生态学实践来平衡生产力和生态系统健康的方法。农业生态学是一种科学的方法,可以通过了解建造自然生态系统的结构和功能来管理农业土地。
肯尼斯·米勒(Kenneth Miller)是北达科他州的一名农民,他使用覆盖作物和牲畜来锻炼农业生态学来建立土壤健康。与许多邻居不同,米勒将他的田地分为可管理的部分,重新加入牲畜并设计了他所谓的“覆盖作物鸡尾酒”。覆盖作物鸡尾酒各不相同,但目的是包括不同物种和植物类型的混合物,每种物种和植物类型都有其自身的生根模式,有助于产生单颗粒作物后的多样性和恢复微生物和物理土壤功能。米勒正在建造土壤有机物,这是可持续土地管理的关键组成部分。他还看到农作物产量增加,同时降低成本,从而获得净盈利能力。
同样,爱荷华州立大学的马斯登农场研究在2012年文章纽约时报的马克·比特曼(Mark Bittman)描述了四年的轮换,其中包括玉米,大豆,燕麦和苜蓿以及综合牲畜管理,以产生比严格的玉米和大豆的产量更高的玉米和大豆的收益燕麦旋转。在这项研究中,氮肥和除草剂降低了88%,地面上的毒素降低了200倍,而利润保持不变。同样,农业生态学原则的另一个例子。
明智地应用农业化学- 农业生态农民可能仍然想使用农业化学物质,但应将其作为最后的手段,而不是第一道防御。我知道那些与恶性杂草(Bindweed)作斗争的农民,可以生存30年,并对农田造成严重破坏,其根部深达30英尺深,进入土壤深处。这些农民中的一些使用除草剂,但只有在多年试图通过非化学方法对抗weed之后才使用除草剂。
发展农民知识网络- 在创新方面,来自农民和公开研究的共享信息至关重要。这种农业转变必须由知识网络支持。正如软件工程师使用“开源”共享代码以突飞猛进和界限进行了创新一样,如果他们可以访问有关哪种作物,在什么条件下以及在哪些地理位置的情况下进行的实践的信息,则农民将以更快的速度进行创新。
一些具有前瞻性的农民已经在这条道路上走了。1999年,一群与北部平原可持续农业协会相关的农民组成了农场育种俱乐部。他们的目标是分享知识和种子储蓄,以节省种子和作物繁殖。FBC向农民提供信息,以便他们可以直接参与公共植物育种工作。今天他们有13 crops由农民进行研究,包括土豆,燕麦和甜玉米。
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Transition to a more regionalized system— Experts have long argued that feeding hungry people is not a problem of production, it’s a problem of distribution. In a2012年5月的报告联合国食品和农业组织发现,即使我们到2050年将农业生产率提高了60%,我们仍然有3亿饥饿的人,因为他们无法获得食物。
By regionalizing global farming, communities can feed themselves and rely less on imports. A region should be defined based on its ecological dimensions — the geographical area that accounts for ecological parameters, such as water and land resources, and the conditions necessary to feed nearby populations.
Regionalization does not necessitate eliminating exports. After all, much of farming is about responding to nature — droughts, hailstorms, monsoons, etc. — and production yields vary by the season. But in transitioning to a more regionalized system, farmers would be required to rely on their local markets, too.
Reduce waste— According to the粮农组织,每年全球生产的食物中约有三分之一是浪费在农场和盘子之间的某个地方。这转化为13亿吨的食物。在美国,浪费百分比为40%。如果仅减少了美国的粮食总损失仅15%。August 2012 reportby the National Resources Defense Council, more than 25 million Americans could be fed every year.
敏锐地关注发生损失的地方,我们可以开始解决这个问题。In wealthier countries, we can raise consumer awareness about reducing food waste at home, create incentives for municipal composting systems, improve post-harvest handling and storage, and find ways to market products that aren’t “perfect,” such as fruits and vegetables with cosmetic blemishes. In lower income countries, improvements in harvesting techniques and low-cost storage and cooling facilities can make a significant difference between spoiled and edible foods. Regardless of where the losses occur, businesses should work to address the challenges. Losses like these are equivalent to throwing money away, and no one can afford to do that.
赋予员工权力- 重新思考食物如何从农场转向消费者需要与员工的新水平。在他的书中Drive,丹尼尔·平·平(Daniel Pink)借鉴了四十年的科学研究,这些科学研究促使人们激励人们,突出了三个要素:掌握,自主和目的。尽管传统的奖励和薪酬仍然发挥作用,但这些更无形的元素是释放高性能和创新的关键。创新来自最了解自己的工作的人 - 地面和商店地板上的员工。
Morning Star Company, based in Woodland, Calif., is the world’s largest tomato processor, managing 25 to 30 percent of the tomatoes processed each year in the U.S. It created a business model where employees are empowered to achieve goals through collaboration, and no one holds titles or hierarchy. As one person at the company said, “没有人是你的老板,每个人都是你的老板。” This model has resulted in many benefits, including increased initiative, expertise, flexibility and loyalty.
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Rethink: How We Eat
除非包含消费者的角色,否则没有关于更改食品系统的对话。尽管改变我们的饮食习惯并不容易,但我们必须更加了解饮食与土地之间的联系。引用作家温德尔·贝瑞(Wendell Berry)的话:“饮食是一种农业行为。”
少吃,但更好,肉— Americans account for just 4.5 percent of the world’s population, but we eat approximately15%全球生产的肉。根据美国农业部数据,这相当于170 poundsof meat per person each year. Many of these animals consume grains, resulting in a lot of land devoted to growing feed — in fact,one-third of global cereal crop productionis fed to animals.
提供食物教育- 获得美食只是养成新饮食习惯的一部分;我们还需要知道该怎么办。通过教人们如何种植食物,阅读食谱,训练口感和发展烹饪技巧,我们可以大大改变食品系统。食品军- 一个国家组织,将领导者在资源有限的社区中为一年的公共服务提供了一年的公共服务 - 向孩子们介绍了食品教育,并将他们与食物的来源联系起来。在短短几年的时间里,这个小组是驾驶改变,到达29,000多名儿童。
To a better future
为了满足我们不断增长的人口,我们需要食品界来加速对更可持续的食品体系的投资。这些创新已经可用,现在是时候投资和完善它们了。系统性变化不能来自一家公司,政府或个人;每个人都需要参与其中。还有其他因素应该考虑吗?当然。这些是复杂解决方案的复杂问题。我们要在一年内到达那里吗?否。但是我们需要唤醒需要改变我们的事情的范式,以便我们到2050年朝着90亿的可持续发展途径。在线性路径上进行进展。 Instead, we need to rethink the system.
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