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Two Steps Forward

Why Wells Fargo is banking on sustainability

Today, Wells Fargo宣布了重大的环境承诺consisting of three 2020 goals: $30 billion in loans and investments in clean technologies, energy-efficient buildings, environmental innovation; $100 million in community grants and increased volunteerism for grassroots environmental initiatives; and energy-efficiency, waste-diversion, green building, and greenhouse gas targets.

一家主要银行做出这样的承诺需要什么?为什么要这样做?为了寻找答案,我最近与富国银行高级执行副总裁兼首席行政官Patricia Callahan和银行环境事务总监Mary Wenzel进行了交谈。以下是该对话的编辑版本。

Joel Makower:这一宣布有趣的一件事是,您的世界上还有很多其他事情:Wachovia整合,止赎,占领。可持续性如何适应?竞彩足球app怎么下载

Patricia Callahan:The Wachovia merger is actually finished, and I would say that having the merger done has given us a little more brain space to focus in this area. I’m not sure we could have gotten through the work 12-18 months ago because everybody was so focused on the merger. We continue to focus on foreclosure problems and working in our communities to get things back on track as much as we can influence that.







Mary Wenzel:我们将这一承诺付诸实践,向客户的在线论坛,问他们与他们的共鸣是什么。这是一个有趣的回应。整个承诺引起了极大的共鸣。超过80%的客户表示对他们有一个环境承诺对他们来说很重要。承诺的运营方面经过了很好的测试,因为他们觉得自己要在关心环境的立场上保持可信,因此您必须拥有自己的房子。因此,不仅有所有正确的业务理由专注于我们的运营,而且我们的客户也希望看到我们专注于这些领域。而且我们知道我们的团队成员对我们环境承诺的这一方面充满热情。


温泽尔:Weannounced our first public commitment在2005年7月,我想说这只是该旅程的自然发展。我们见面了超过the goals we laid out in that first commitment, so it was time to think about what we wanted to publicly communicate around our environmental values as a company a second time in a comprehensive way.

We began this journey about a year ago and engaged an external stakeholder group to help us think about what appropriate environmental leadership and commitments would look like for us as a company. We engaged customers around what they thought would be important for us to commit to, and we engaged a number of internal partners and leaders about their views on environment leadership for us as a company.

From that process we developed the three focus areas where we would have the opportunity to demonstrate material leadership. We then went back to the relevant lines of business that would have to own those commitments, and we spent a long time working with them, and the leadership of those different lines of businesses and organizations, to make sure that this commitment was really owned enterprise-wide.

这不是环境事务,只是坐在房间挑选数字中。这确实是企业拥有的承诺。因此,富国银行(Wells Fargo)内部的多个业务和组织在去年与我们合作,以发展承诺中的目标和语言。


温泽尔:I think the buy-in was there, but we certainly had to agree on the numbers within the commitment. A good example of that is the environmental finance goal. That goal is going to be owned by multiple groups within our lending organization. So, our community lending and investment team contributed to that goal, our commercial real estate team contributed to that goal, our environmental finance team that does our renewable tax-equity investments contributed to that goal, our cleantech commercial banking office contributed to that goal, our sustainable public infrastructure group contributed to that goal.




There were a lot of folks that wanted us to have one signature statement, and we didn’t feel like we could do just one thing. We felt like it was more important to show that this was a systemic integrated approach to thinking about sustainability and that we weren't trying to hang our hat on one issue or initiative. We wanted to show that this was about our way of doing business and about our way of working with customers and communities.

麦克沃:What’s enabling you to commit to $30 billion in environmental finance? Is it the greater availability of projects and companies that you think would qualify?

卡拉汉:Some of it is that. Some of it is increased expertise on our side, and better understanding across these various sectors of the kinds of business that we can do that is actually important from an environmental point of view, both in the alternative energy and in our community lending. And trying to not just build low-income housing, but build low-income housing that is well insulated, has solar on it, and so forth. And so I think there’s an expertise shift as well as a demand shift.



麦克沃:There’s a certain group out there, and I don’t mean just the Occupy types, who would say that all banking should be sustainability-minded — that all loans and financing should consider environmental and community and social impacts, as opposed to having a separate green fund. What do you say to them?




麦克沃:让我们简要介绍一下社区慈善事业。我的理解方式,在社区再投资法[a federal law to encourage banks to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods], banks don’t get extra credit for making green investments — for example, if you were to finance LEED multifamily housing. Given your environmental commitment, is this an issue for Wells Fargo? Is this something that you would like to see changed?






卡拉汉:I want us to be in a situation where we are, from a selfish corporate point of view, recognized for the good work that we’re doing. But even more, I’d like to see us having not only met, but exceeded all of these goals and be a company that’s out there doing the right things and having customers know it, and seek us out when they have these opportunities.


温泽尔:My vision is that this is that we build deep and lasting relationships with our customers, our communities, our team members, our stakeholders, around environmental priorities and needs. And that it is not thought of as something other than the way we do business. That it is just part of everything that we do.

图像果岭上的美元钞票经过Sergej Khakimullin通过快门;Greenbiz的光卷。
