

Factors such as U.S. President Barack Obama's commitment to clean energy, increased electricity costs, my own conversations withTRIRIGA关于智能业务的Fortune 100客户,以及绿色技术创新的涌入迫使我向绿色行业的同龄人学习他们每天考虑的问题和解决方案。

In a recent conversation with Daniel Esty, Yale professor and chairman of Esty Environmental Partners, we spoke about the most critical aspects of Obama's energy-related goals, how buildings factor into the path to a clean energy future, and the role technology plays in all of this. Esty is an expert on corporate environmental strategy and served recently on the Obama Transition Team on Energy and the Environment. Esty runs the Yale Center for Business and The Environment and advises senior executives at Coca-Cola, Unilever and NetJets Europe, among others. He also co-authored "绿色到黄金,“一本关于智能公司如何使用环境战略来创新,创造价值和建立竞争优势的书。

My conversation with Esty follows, and we hope you'll join the conversation as well! We look forward to your thoughts and comments on today's green issues, challenges and solutions.

乔治·安(George Ahn):

Dan Esty:President Obama has been unflinching in his commitment to a Clean Energy future, despite the challenging economy and other pressing priorities such as national security issues. He has taken a number of steps toward making a reality of his campaign commitment to developing renewable energy sources and improving America's energy efficiency.

超过600亿美元的刺激套餐朝这个方向发展 - 支持建筑效率投资以及我们低收入社区中房屋的风化,并提高联邦建筑的能源效率。额外的资金将用于建立国家“智能电网”,并支持一系列可再生能源技术的投资,包括太阳能和风能,生物燃料和地热能。总统的辛勤收费新EPA管理员丽莎·杰克逊(Lisa Jackson)已提高温室气体排放要求和监管过程,这可能会导致根据《清洁空气法》对二氧化碳的控制。

此外,奥巴马政府还表示对“ CAP和贸易”立法的强烈支持,这将为温室气体排放构成代价,并使对能源效率和非化石燃料能源的投资更加有价值。


Esty:Nearly half of America's energy consumption arises from our homes, offices, and other work spaces, yet most people don't think of buildings as the No. 1 culprit when it comes to carbon emissions. But about 40 percent of our nation's greenhouse gas emissions come out of buildings. Thus, we can be sure that buildings and the emissions that come from this sector will be a top policy priority as American gets serious about tackling climate change.

AHN:Can you give an example of how buildings might be seen as a critical element of business strategy and cost savings?


Building performance is critical, moreover, to the way an office functions each day. Simply put, the management of fixed assets represents a significant item on a company's balance sheet. Using environmental performance improvements in buildings as a central focus of an "eco-efficiency" initiative offers a way to achieve overall cost savings that drop straight to the bottom line. So eco-efficiency should be top of mind for virtually all businesses, especially in this economic downturn.


AHN:What is the role of technology in all of this?





Esty:At the highest level, I argue that environmental issues and related energy efficiency concerns have now become a core element of strategy. Companies that manage this agenda well stand to be competitively advantaged in the marketplace. So it is critical for executives to apply the same systematic, disciplined approach to environment and energy management as they do elsewhere in the business. In short, think strategically about your risks and opportunities and develop an environmental strategy and implementation plan that fits your company's unique situation.

乔治·安恩is president and CEO ofTRIRIGA。You may leave a comment on George's post in the section below or at[email protected]

Image CC licensed by Flickr userNautical2k
