Ask the Green Architect: Getting Started in Green Building
埃里克·科里(Eric Corey)释放is principal of有机结构并在旧金山艺术学院和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校教授可持续设计。他是建筑师,设计师和社会责任计划者(ADPSR),Green Home Guide和West Coast Green的董事会成员。这篇文章摘自他即将出版的《假人绿色建筑》,于2007年8月发行。
这best approach might be to see the world full of problems waiting to be solved. We have so many, choose one and just get to work. Pick something you like and make a plan of how to solve it.
Several areas hold particular interest for me, since they hold the greatest potential impact.
这photovoltaic effect是使太阳能成为可能的物理原则,并于1839年首先被法国科学家埃德蒙·贝克勒尔(Edmond Becquerel)发现。虽然数百家公司正在寻找使太阳能电池板更有效或更便宜的生产方法,但几乎没有创新。自从贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)于1954年生产第一个硅太阳能电池板以来,所有这些基本上都使用了我们使用的相同类型的太阳能电池。这是一种基于168年历史的科学发现的53年历史的产品。
Several companies are looking beyond merely improving solar cells and into reinventing the concepts of solar.Energy Innovations是一家位于帕萨迪纳的公司,已经开发了太阳能集中器的葵花车。
礼貌:Energy Innovations
Since solar panels are still expensive and produce average an efficiency of only about 12 percent, the Sunflower uses an ingenious array of mirrors to focus the light onto a single solar panel. These twenty-five mirrors improve the efficiency of the solar panel well beyond anything available today. Inexpensive mirrors replace solar panels to lower the cost of the unit. The company hopes just one Sunflower unit would produce enough energy to power your entire home.
当日向日葵利用太阳能电池,另一家公司,Sterling Energy Systemshas a different kind of concentrator. Also using mirrors, the Sterling System focuses light onto aSterling Engine。根本没有使用光伏。
A closed loop engine eponymously named for its inventor, Dr. Robert Sterling, a Sterling Engine is an ultra-efficient method of heating sealed gas to generate power. Invented in 1816, a Sterling Engine is still one of the most efficient engines ever created.
礼貌:Sterling Energy
Quietly and with little fanfare, a movement of green financing options has been slowly growing. The idea is simple: a green building has lower operating costs, enabling the homeowner to afford a larger mortgage.
这Energy Efficient MortgageProgram (or EEM) was developed for Fannie Mae by Housing and Urban Development to encourage people to buy greener homes. The maximum mortgage available is only $160,950, making this Federal EEM obsolete for most homebuyers.
Sustainable Capitalseeks to fill this void by providing a full line of green mortgage products. But Sustainable Capital has gone well beyond mere energy efficiency in their thinking. By factoring in other green benefits such as improved health and higher worker productivity, they hope to offer even greater incentives to homebuyers.
Rather than waiting for these mortgage products to become available, individual mortgage brokers have taken the initiative to focus their company on green customers. Ryan Hamilton, director of San Francisco basedValencia Green Financial,想与志趣相投的客户合作。据汉密尔顿说,他“为了回应客户的明确目标,以结合财务成功和道德,环境责任。”他们最多向非营利组织捐款5%。
即使是房地产经纪人也可以参与该法案。这Certified EcoBrokerprogram offers a means for agents to distinguish themselves and attract green-minded buyers. To date, nearly one hundred agents have been certified in California alone.
克里斯·巴特(Chris Bartle),旧金山的创始人Green Key Real Estate,想将他的个人价值观结合在一起。巴特尔说:“通过与绿色精明的客户合作,并将他们与绿色服务提供商和产品联系起来,我们希望帮助旧金山一次成为最可持续的城市。”自然,Bartle是一名经过认证的Ecobroker。
什么时候新资源银行opened their branch in 2006 in San Francisco, they became the first bank in the nation to focus on green entrepreneurs and sustainable businesses. New Resource Bank is targeting small to medium sized green businesses and provides financing for adding solar panels to your home or office. Hopefully this new model of banking will serve as catalyst for other financial institutions to follow suit.
Existing Buildings
We import about 13.15 million barrels of oil per day, almost twice as much as we produce. While it might surprise you to learn our biggest supplier is Canada, 1.54 million barrels of that oil comes from Saudi Arabia.
According to the National Priorities Project, we spend每小时1100万美元,每天2.75亿美元,on the Iraq War.
If the average energy efficiency upgrade for a home is $10,000, then we could insulate EVERY HOME in the U.S. in just 10 hours, with the money we spend each day on the war.
We need to change our priorities to focus on the longer view.
一家公司正在这样做。Sustainable Spacesprovides these types of upgrades to homes, reducing utilities bills by up to 50 percent. A two hour analysis is all the time they need to evaluate your home.
If the thought of tackling such large problems seems daunting, fear not. You are not alone.人类建筑最近推出了他们的Open Architecture Network。将其视为一个开源平台,任何人都可以在其中查看,发布或共享想法和解决方案。这个想法是帮助您在社区中解决这些大问题。
这best approach might be to see the world full of problems waiting to be solved. We have so many, choose one and just get to work. Pick something you like and make a plan of how to solve it.
“我们所做的事情与我们能够做的事情之间的区别足以解决世界上大多数问题。”In many ways, the Sustainability Movement combines a perfect storm of opportunities: namely, doing well by doing good at the same time.
- Mohandas Gandhi
Several areas hold particular interest for me, since they hold the greatest potential impact.
这photovoltaic effect是使太阳能成为可能的物理原则,并于1839年首先被法国科学家埃德蒙·贝克勒尔(Edmond Becquerel)发现。虽然数百家公司正在寻找使太阳能电池板更有效或更便宜的生产方法,但几乎没有创新。自从贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)于1954年生产第一个硅太阳能电池板以来,所有这些基本上都使用了我们使用的相同类型的太阳能电池。这是一种基于168年历史的科学发现的53年历史的产品。
Several companies are looking beyond merely improving solar cells and into reinventing the concepts of solar.Energy Innovations是一家位于帕萨迪纳的公司,已经开发了太阳能集中器的葵花车。

礼貌:Energy Innovations
Since solar panels are still expensive and produce average an efficiency of only about 12 percent, the Sunflower uses an ingenious array of mirrors to focus the light onto a single solar panel. These twenty-five mirrors improve the efficiency of the solar panel well beyond anything available today. Inexpensive mirrors replace solar panels to lower the cost of the unit. The company hopes just one Sunflower unit would produce enough energy to power your entire home.
当日向日葵利用太阳能电池,另一家公司,Sterling Energy Systemshas a different kind of concentrator. Also using mirrors, the Sterling System focuses light onto aSterling Engine。根本没有使用光伏。
A closed loop engine eponymously named for its inventor, Dr. Robert Sterling, a Sterling Engine is an ultra-efficient method of heating sealed gas to generate power. Invented in 1816, a Sterling Engine is still one of the most efficient engines ever created.

礼貌:Sterling Energy
Quietly and with little fanfare, a movement of green financing options has been slowly growing. The idea is simple: a green building has lower operating costs, enabling the homeowner to afford a larger mortgage.
这Energy Efficient MortgageProgram (or EEM) was developed for Fannie Mae by Housing and Urban Development to encourage people to buy greener homes. The maximum mortgage available is only $160,950, making this Federal EEM obsolete for most homebuyers.
Sustainable Capitalseeks to fill this void by providing a full line of green mortgage products. But Sustainable Capital has gone well beyond mere energy efficiency in their thinking. By factoring in other green benefits such as improved health and higher worker productivity, they hope to offer even greater incentives to homebuyers.
Rather than waiting for these mortgage products to become available, individual mortgage brokers have taken the initiative to focus their company on green customers. Ryan Hamilton, director of San Francisco basedValencia Green Financial,想与志趣相投的客户合作。据汉密尔顿说,他“为了回应客户的明确目标,以结合财务成功和道德,环境责任。”他们最多向非营利组织捐款5%。
即使是房地产经纪人也可以参与该法案。这Certified EcoBrokerprogram offers a means for agents to distinguish themselves and attract green-minded buyers. To date, nearly one hundred agents have been certified in California alone.
克里斯·巴特(Chris Bartle),旧金山的创始人Green Key Real Estate,想将他的个人价值观结合在一起。巴特尔说:“通过与绿色精明的客户合作,并将他们与绿色服务提供商和产品联系起来,我们希望帮助旧金山一次成为最可持续的城市。”自然,Bartle是一名经过认证的Ecobroker。
什么时候新资源银行opened their branch in 2006 in San Francisco, they became the first bank in the nation to focus on green entrepreneurs and sustainable businesses. New Resource Bank is targeting small to medium sized green businesses and provides financing for adding solar panels to your home or office. Hopefully this new model of banking will serve as catalyst for other financial institutions to follow suit.
Existing Buildings
We import about 13.15 million barrels of oil per day, almost twice as much as we produce. While it might surprise you to learn our biggest supplier is Canada, 1.54 million barrels of that oil comes from Saudi Arabia.
According to the National Priorities Project, we spend每小时1100万美元,每天2.75亿美元,on the Iraq War.
If the average energy efficiency upgrade for a home is $10,000, then we could insulate EVERY HOME in the U.S. in just 10 hours, with the money we spend each day on the war.
We need to change our priorities to focus on the longer view.
一家公司正在这样做。Sustainable Spacesprovides these types of upgrades to homes, reducing utilities bills by up to 50 percent. A two hour analysis is all the time they need to evaluate your home.
If the thought of tackling such large problems seems daunting, fear not. You are not alone.人类建筑最近推出了他们的Open Architecture Network。将其视为一个开源平台,任何人都可以在其中查看,发布或共享想法和解决方案。这个想法是帮助您在社区中解决这些大问题。