
On the VERGE

The world-changing potential of STEAM-powered youth

Danielle Boyer,Steam Connection的创始人

Danielle Boyer,Steam Connection的创始人

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The last timeI profiled a young technologistworking to change the world, she went on to be honored as《时代》杂志的年度第一个孩子. Just sayin’ — we know how to spot a rising star.

在这一点上,认识丹妮尔·博耶(Danielle Boyer),他承诺也不例外。博耶(Boyer)是一位土著教育家,发明家,作家和环境活动家,在20岁时,已经取得了比大多数成年人的成就,可以提高蒸汽教育领域的多样性,可访问性和可负担性 - 科学,技术,工程,工程,艺术和数学。

If you care about accelerating an equitable clean economy, then you need to care about STEAM — specifically, thewoeful underrepresentationof women and people of color working in these industries, and the disparate access to quality STEAM education that precedes it.

研究表明,拥有多样化的劳动力不仅drives innovation and market growth,但也强调了永久不平等当有色人种被排除在创建我们都使用的产品和服务的情况下。


Credit: Drawn by Danielle Boyer, Founder and CEO of STEAM Connection

Image Credit: Drawn by Danielle Boyer, Founder and CEO of STEAM Connection

这就是为什么Boyer正在努力通过扎根来解决这个问题的原因 - 确保有色人种,尤其是女孩和土著社区中的年轻人可以接受优质的蒸汽教育。我最近赶上了她,谈论技术创新和环境教育。为了清晰和长度,已经编辑了以下对话。

Shana Rappaport: Your work is rooted in the belief that ensuring equitable access to environmental education and engineering opportunities is a social and environmental imperative. Why is that?

丹妮尔·博耶(Danielle Boyer):I believe that every child has the potential to be an Earth Innovator — someone who uses their unique talents, interests and skills to benefit our Earth. Giving kids skills in technology, engineering and science to use in their lives as innovators, activists and changemakers is so important. Us youth are the ones who are being affected the most by climate change, and we need, as I say, all of our superpowers to fight it. Each of our superpowers are different and can contribute to positive change, but we must be taught how to use them.

Unfortunately, not every child has the opportunity to discover their superpower, because they don't have access to learning technical skills — skills that will not only transform their future, but the future of our Earth, too. Underserved communities are isolated from learning these important skills, leaving these kids at a huge disadvantage.


Rappaport: Talk a little bit about the organization that you founded,STEAM Connection,以及诸如您的旗舰计划之类的计划如何,每个孩子都有一个机器人,旨在实现您的任务。

博耶:I founded the STEAM Connection in January 2019, which wasn't that long ago. Our work brings accessible, affordable and diverse STEAM education to children all around the world, and it has been such a cool journey. I work with a team of all minorities — we're all students in STEAM and we work to bring things like robotics, classes and more to youth.

我最喜欢的项目之一叫做Every Kid Gets a Robot这是我发明的机器人 - 价格不到20美元,是由可生物降解和可回收材料制成的,我在12个国家 /地区免费将其发送给孩子,这真是太疯狂了。机器人去过比我更多的地方。我用它来教孩子们的技能,从电气工程到计算机科学再到机械工程。我绝对喜欢机器人。

Each of our superpowers are different and can contribute to positive change, but we must be taught how to use them.


One of my most recent initiatives is calledHands-On Techie Talks— it's a podcast that I started with my 13-year-old mentee, Vinaya Gunasekar, which is crazy — she's 13! We started a podcast for kids to bring resources for environmental innovation in a hands-on way to kids during the pandemic, and it has been so much fun.

Rappaport: What are your impressions of how Gen Z views the role of technology innovation in accelerating solutions to environmental problems?

博耶:This is a really interesting question — because honestly, when I was 10 years old and got started, I had never used a computer before. Things have changed so much since I was a young kid.

Technology now drives everything that Gen Z does. But, I often think that many young kids don't necessarily see environmental activists as designers, programmers and scientists. Many of them see activists as media figures who lead protests — and while that certainly is an aspect of it, I think that it puts them off because it may not suit their interests, or they may not see environmental role models who look like them.

Showing kids that they can use their skills right now affects how they see themselves and their potential impact, and everyone needs to play an active role in our Earth. We need people to design robots that clean up oil spills. I believe in doing more than just advocating for a solution, but also being an active part of creating ones, too.


Rappaport: What kind of support can the private sector provide to you, and to Indigenous communities, either as corporate partners or as intergenerational allies?



为了找到这些年轻人,我建议参与迎合学生的非营利组织,尤其是从事土著问题的学生。我们土著人民在热带雨林中照顾世界80%的生物多样性,在社区土地上,我们将至少24%的地上碳含量在世界热带雨林中存储。很多人不知道。我建议检查等组织,例如美洲印第安科学与工程学会to see how you can get involved and be engaged as a mentor, a role model and a leader.

Credit: Drawn by Danielle Boyer, Founder and CEO of STEAM Connection

Image Credit: Drawn by Danielle Boyer, Founder and CEO of STEAM Connection

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