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Will the GenZe scooter disrupt your commute?

American cities arerethinking transportation, as urbanites rethink cities and how to get around in them.

Cars are not so appealing anymore; they are isolating, expensive, a bother to park, and they pollute. Meanwhile,cities have to be redesignedto make room for more people while reducing smog and CO2.

Cities from Portland to Boston, Oakland to New Orleans are encouraging the use of public transportation, bikes and shared vehicles while increasing parking fees.

Many have "smart city" blueprints on the drafting board where four-wheeled, gasoline powered cars are out of the picture, replaced by a system of light rail complemented by shared electric vehicles (EVs) available on-demand for commuters.

It's that last mile between train and office that cities want to solve, along withmillennials' inclination to ditch cars in favor of bikes or shared rides, as well as a general desire to reduce carbon footprints that is creating a new market.

Within thischanging urban transportation marketplaceGenZe, a U.S. subsidiary of Indian transportation conglomerate Mahindra Group, developed what it sees as the urban commuter vehicle for U.S. cities of the future — the near future, that is.

GenZe - 命名为“下一代”和“零排放” - 创造了一个电动车具有用于城市通勤某些设施。这是一个人的轻便摩托车储存公文包或杂货,并配备了智能车载物流应用为驱动,以了解如何拿到的地方,哪些航线业务,其电池是如何做等等。

该GenZe 2.0是集生产,并GenZe计划推出它的第一个滑板车在十月。

GenZe,总部设在加州弗里蒙特,在硅谷的边缘,宣称其为谷工程和密歇根州制造的EV的答案通勤头疼和需要摩托车 - 和欲望 - 对零辆排放车辆。它已经在销售的电动自行车 - 在GenZe电动自行车 - 但是,它说,只是一个前兆。

“我们走了出去,走遍全国各个城市,城市中心。我们采访了别人问你如何从A点到B,你怎么去上班或上学?我们问什么是你的痛点在那些通勤,” Yesim埃雷兹说,GenZe营销主管describing the road trip led by Terry Duncan, the product’s designer, three years ago.

“We learned so much from that exercise. We learned that people don’t want to be stuck in traffic, that sometimes it is easier for people to bicycle or train than take car.

“We also learned that people sometimes are inconvenienced by those choices. The bus or train doesn’t go everywhere. Your office might be a mile away from the train stop. And not everybody is in shape to take a bicycle or they don’t want to arrive at a meeting sweaty."

Moreover, she said, "They may want to take a briefcase or gym bag to work or stop on the way home for groceries,” which are not easily done on a traditional bicycle or even by train.

因此,他们想出了GenZe 2.0,两轮电动车,看起来像一个滑板车和摩托车之间的交叉。

他们不是为高速公路 - 他们的最高时速为30英里每小时,所以从其他新的EV摩托车GenZe 2.0的区别在于,市场上如Empulse的TT通过Brammo公司或零摩托车零SF 12.5制成,它可以去95英里每小时。但那些更强壮的摩托车也卖了$ 19,999和$ 14,000元。

该GenZe只有2999 $。

Also, GenZe's battery's range is only about 30 to 40 miles miles compared with 110 miles of the big EV motorcyles for the highway.

But the kicker is that GenZe 2.0's battery snaps out and can be carried into an office or coffee shop for charging. Thus there's no need to park the GenZe 2.0 at a charging station. The Lithium-Ion battery, contained in a battery pack, can be plugged into standard electrical outlets.


What's all this mean?

像日产Leaf,特斯拉轿车和Proterra电动公共汽车, the GenZe 2.0 motorcycle is a product filling a newly emerging space of EV transportation that begins to tackle the pollution problems of the urban core and the greenhouse gas problems of the globe.GogoroEV scooter in Taiwan, it may have to nudge this market along.

Consultant andmobilty designer Dan Sturges told GreenBiz今年夏天,该四轮,汽油动力车由一个单独的通勤驱动单独驱动的乘客​​是过去,不久就会消失的情况。

"Nearly 50 percent of our trips in urban areas are less than three miles, and 28 percent are one mile or less. Our cars are over-engineered for nearly every trip we take in them. It’s overkill. It’s like killing a roach with a shotgun. We could not do anything about this before the auto tech revolution, but now we can," he said in an interview with GreenBiz.

In smart cities discussions spawned by the 100 Resilient Cities movement and others, cities are talking about multi-modality transportation, about building infrastructurs and kiosks and systems so that city workers or residents can take trains for parts of their commutes and then hop on a shared vehicle motor scooter or bike or the rest of their trip, the last half mile to the office or meeting or home. They envision zero emissions trains and vehicles, bicycles and walkways.

GenZe aims to tap into that desire and is in discussion with several cities, including Oakland, and state agencies about pairing up to create city kiosks where potential drivers could rent a GenZe to get to a meeting, say, or find one at the end of a train commute.

Learn more about EVs and smart cities and see a GenZe 2.0 EV scooter atVERGE 201510月26日至29日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞市。

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