





Perhaps less understood is the amazing business and investment opportunity smart grid enables for both well-established technology companies and entrepreneurs. With $4.5 billion in U.S. stimulus dollars and2000亿美元in private investment expected from 2008-2015 across the globe, it’s clear that smart grid presents a wealth of untapped opportunity for investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

没有问题为什么…聪明的grid, like the Internet, will have a ubiquitous effect on our lives, from the cleaner energy that powers our daily activities, to the power-management technologies that help us most cost-effectively consume it.


While money is changing hands, there are still billions of dollars that utilities are keeping in the sidelines -- indicating reticence that is largely driven by unanswered smart grid questions. Uncertainties pertaining to consumer engagement, energy policy, and international standards development must be addressed to effectively and efficiently move smart grid forward.

For this reason, GridWeek has convened a cross-section of industry stakeholders for the past four years to foster the collaboration needed to answer the industry’s most pressing questions -- while providing the business community with unfettered access to the industry-leading organizations and a 30,000-foot view of the smart grid industry.

作为...的一部分Gridweek 2010., 多于150个行业领先的扬声器和小组成员将解决关键的智能电网问题,有助于回答所有智能电网利益相关者的思想的关键任务问题。

Here are three of those key questions -- ones that will have a clear impact on the business of smart grid:


如今,我们有50个不同的国家,有50种不同的能源政策方法,以及50种不同的公用事业监管方法。我们将得到什么 - 智能电网的50个不同的视图。Until we understand how and if carbon will be taxed, whether we’ll see a national renewable portfolio standard and/or energy efficiency standard, and how these initiatives will be funded, it will be difficult for utilities -- and businesses -- to effectively prioritize their smart grid investments.


Surveys show that about70%消费者不熟悉“智能电网”一词。对于这种关键群体,这不是好消息。添加到我们在加利福尼亚州和德克萨斯州看到的智能网格反弹,我们有一点消费者挑战。

The industry needs consumer support and participation for smart grid success. With consumer buy-in, regulators will be more at ease when approving utility smart grid projects, entrepreneurs will feel free to innovate, and VCs can better assess the value of investment in consumer-facing technologies.







anto budiardjo.is president and CEO of Clasma Events Inc. ,组织ConnectivityWeek,Gridweek和其他集中在智能电网和其他技术的事件的公司。

Image CC licensed by Flickr user伊恩Muttoo.
