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Why getting serious about sustainability needs to start with training

在最近的一个BECC会议我正在听一个与《财富》 1000强公司代表讨论行为改变和能源效率的小组。我注意到听众成员向小组提出的一个问题:“所有这些都在哪里培训?为什么在您采取的行动中缺少它?”

The panelists seemed perplexed and didn’t offer much response. Intrigued by the question and its importance at a conference on behavior change, I introduced myself to the person who asked it, Mick Dalrymple of the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University. It was not surprising to note that someone affiliated with the higher education sector would ask about training.

But Dalrymple wasn’t asking about higher education or professional certification or adding sustainability courses to MBA programs. He was asking about corporate training – providing employees with training on sustainability topics relevant to the company’s goals, business strategy, operations and, ultimately, their own jobs.



Diversity is nearing mainstream in many companies today because of substantial training and company commitment behind it. Corporate focus on technology for competitive advantage through the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s has made IT training an industry unto itself whether for desktop and productivity tools; networks, systems and infrastructure; or contemporary Web 2.0 collaboration and social media technologies. Throughout it all, training has benefited the company and the people who work there.




学习是一种实现强大的个人和公司绩效的经过验证且有据可查的策略。在她的书中"Good Company,"劳里·巴西(Laurie Bassi)讨论了在“有价值时代”中成功的公司的要求竞彩足球app怎么下载可持续性和成为好雇主是关键部分。Interestingly, her research started by studying the correlations between corporate training investments and stock market performance. Bassi found that companies with strong commitments to training attained a positive 47 percent mean change in market value (as compared to book value) whereas companies with comparatively weaker commitments averaged a 4 percent decline in value during the same three-year period.

Training fosters knowledge transfer, giving rise to further innovation, efficiency and competitive insight. In my role as a founding member ofSABA软件, a leading provider of learning and talent management systems, we had countless discussions about how the increasing complexity of products and services required new systems and strategies to effectively transfer the “know how” to incorporate and use these new products and services across the extended enterprise. Smart companies embraced these strategies with significant results.

Sustainability is another context in which to facilitate knowledge transfer and establish corporate excellence – like safety, quality, code of conduct, diversity and IT. It provides a new lens for viewing the business, including the corporate ecosystem that extends to the communities in which it operates. The knowledge transfer challenge is to find ways to help people become fundamentally more aware of how factors that we label under the umbrella of sustainability affect their day job and the lives and day jobs of others.

Establish job relevance

Organizations such as Procter & Gamble and the U.S. Postal Service are making sustainability part of job performance. P&G identified key roles – marketing, R&D, product teams and supply chain personnel – and targeted learning solutions for each group. The U.S. Postal Service targets audiences as broadly defined as executives, plant managers, fleet operators and postmasters with specific learning modules. Providing targeted learning solutions helps employees understand how key sustainability principles apply to their specific job function so they are better able to see opportunities and take actions that contribute to the overall strategy of the organization.

基于角色的学习也是Tripos软件和自然逻辑的交互式在线学习课程中的设计范式Sustainability In Practice。Learning modules focus on product development, operations, supply chains and procurement, buildings, IT and marketing.

但是,大多数组织尚未解决其员工在实现可持续性目标中的作用。竞彩足球app怎么下载政府商业委员会在德勤(Deloitte)承销的一项研究中surveyed federal agency sustainability executives关于他们在由许多可持续性倡议下的进步竞彩足球app怎么下载White House Executive Order 13514。Among the findings, “60 percent of the respondents thought that better education, training and engagement would lead to more sustainable practices in their agency,” and over half of them felt their sustainability efforts had so far been “inadequate.”

Engagement for the asking


As we have seen from previous articles that warn about the inertia of groupthink,it’s not the “s-word” we need to instill。如果有人想了解有关气候变化,全球变暖或如何回收利用的更多信息,那么网络搜索将会做到。相反,我们需要转移的可持竞彩足球app怎么下载续性知识是它如何影响我们的产品,服务和运营策略 - 我们的工作,所有工作,整个企业,以便我们可以为此做些事情。在使我们的工作和我们的公司更有价值的情况下,将发现差异,因此在未来的位置更好。如果公司想在新的竞争环境中表现出色,他们只需要开始培训即可。

图片来源:CC许可证罗伯特·多诺万(Robert S. Donovan)/ flickr

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