

如何激励员工?更具体地说,how do you engage employees in sustainability initiativeswhich are often not tied directly to paychecks or profit margins, but rather seek to combat more daunting societal challenges, such as climate change, fossil fuel dependency and water shortages?

According to a recent通过谷神星报,40 percent of companies surveyed attempted to engage employees specifically on sustainability issues last year. Yet, of those 613 companies, Ceres classified only 6 percent as Tier 1 companies, or the companies setting the pace on employee engagement.

“Engaging employees in a corporate sustainability mission is essential for success, but employees are often an under-utilized resource in a company’s development and implementation of sustainability programs and strategies,” the report explained.

One bright spot in Ceres' findings is that the number of companies looking to engage employees on sustainability issues is increasing — up from 30 percent in 2012 to40 percent in 2014.


“Employees who engage in the company’s sustainability and CSR initiatives have statistically significant increases in their overall engagement rate,” said Susan Hunt Stevens, founder ofWeSpire,一家科技公司,专注于员工敬业度具有可持续性。竞彩足球app怎么下载

By way of context, only 31.7 percent of U.S. employees reported that they were engaged with their jobs in a MarchGallup poll.

“Overall engagement rates are really low in companies in general," Hunt Stevens said. "If sustainability and CSR initiatives are a way to improve engagement, it becomes an organizational initiative to improve the company.”

Beyond keeping current employees engaged and happy, sustainability also can be a mechanism for recruiting.


Although the research volumes on what makes employees tick are vast, one particularly pervasive behavioral psychology debate surrounds whether money really is the be-all and end-all when it comes to motivation.

AGallup Poll in 2011,based on random phone interviews with 2,341 employed adults in the U.S., documented no correlation between income level and job satisfaction.

Further evidence is documented in a study published in the职业行为杂志(PDF)分析其120周年的研究从92项研究,只报告了工资之间的性能和工作满意度2%的重叠。

“I don’t think financial incentives are proven to be particularly effective in engaging employee,” said Hunt Stevens. “I think one of the things we really work on is the power of intrinsic motivation and particular recognition of accomplishments.”

相反,目的驱动的工作的概念越来越多地与专业相关的履行 - 这可能是企业的社会责任部门的好事。



According to aHarvard Business Review对员工敬业度的文章,新千年一代“最具社会意识的一代,因为20世纪60年代。”

Putting volunteering to work

As the road to finding maximum employee engagement offers no clear path, companies have integrated a number of programs to get employees to care.

For instance, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) — the second largest professional services provider in the world — intertwines员工敬业度and sustainability largely through youth education on issues such as climate change and financial literacy.


The company also has an ambitious goal of garnering 100 percent of employees to be engaged in one of PwC’s sustainability programs. Currently, Senne said the company is at 90 percent.


“We found that the unskilled volunteering wasn’t driving benefits back to the individual, or back to the firm, in the way that we hoped we'd see," said Senne. "So we really shifted our strategy to more skilled-based volunteering."


“这也是伟大的工作人员谁真的想被视为专家,” Senne说,‘他们希望被称为东西的专家,并能够利用他们的专业知识和志愿服务允许他们这样做。’

Courting competition

The multinational French industrial company Legrand, which has about 30,000 employees worldwide, used competition as a metric for sustainability engagement.

Legrand, which offers products and services in electrical systems and information systems, engaged employees with sustainability through an energy savings marathon in October that lasted 26.2 days across 18 sites.

能源效率的北美公司的副总裁和可持续发展,苏珊·罗奇福德解释说,十月份的竞彩足球app怎么下载energy marathon,这相当于用电量的减少15.4%等同于节约558549度,是一个以前的节能活动,公司曾在2012年的扩张。

In 2012, the North American branch held a "Power Down day" asking employees to reduce electricity in a 24-hour time frame. That resulted in a 24 percent reduction in energy intensity within the company.


"I knew even after we did it a one-off is not going to change behavior,” said Rochford. “So I challenged my team last spring saying, ‘Look, we really need to take this up another notch and think about how … we can really sustain behavior. '"

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