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Why 2018 will be a make or break year for renewables


Wind and solar power are booming in the United States — and around the world — thanks to low prices, technology improvements, government policies that favor clean energy and energy security and growing demand from businesses, consumers and local governments. The increase in cheap renewables and natural gas power has led to a shift away from expensive coal and nuclear power.

In an attempt to turn back the tide, Energy Secretary Rick Perryproposed在9月联邦监管机构改变国家的电力市场规则要求对煤炭和核能电厂特别付款。It is unclear what action, if any, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will take, particularly in light of intense opposition to the proposal by the nation’s grid operators, several state regulators, the renewable energy industry, the oil and gas industry and other industry, consumer and environmental groups.




国家政策和激励措施,支持可再生能源s and new technologies, such as batteries and other storage devices, smart power inverters and real-time energy management systems that use machine learning, are driving greater adoption of renewables. So is a desire by an ever-growing number of businesses, cities and institutions to buy renewables and get off dirty energy. If hurdles in Washington succeed, it could hold back renewable energy growth in the U.S., the second-largest energy user in the world. But if state governments, grid operators, industry groups and renewable energy supporters succeed in beating back encroachments of the solar and wind markets, they are likely to continue growing.

二十九个国家可再生能源发电的任务,八个更多的国家可再生能源目标,根据北卡罗莱纳州的清洁能源技术中心. The District of Columbia, home of the nation’s capital, has a mandate to use renewables for half its power use by 2032.

从全球来看,太阳能,风能等可再生能源的发展很可能会通过2022增加一倍以上,从2017年到1174万千瓦的容量,相比前五年,根据October forecast国际能源机构(IEA)。可再生能源将在2022年提供全球发电的30%,从目前的24%。可再生能源的兴起压低在美国,中国和全球对煤炭的需求。国际能源署(IEA)预测,全球能源结构中煤炭的比重will fall to 26 percent in 2022, from 27 percent currently.

Globally, solar, wind and other renewable power development is likely to more than double from 2017 through 2022, to 1,174 gigawatts.
Renewables supplied 18 percent of U.S. power generation in 2017 through October, up from 15.2 percent during the same period in 2016, according to data from the能源部.

在加利福尼亚州,公用事业利用太阳能,风能和他们在2017年销售的功率的30%其他可再生能源,而这一比例将增长到国家销售的所有权力的一半,到2030年纽约目前使用可再生能源for 23 percent of the state’s supply, and that share also is slated to expand to one-half by 2030, according to the state. Wind farms supply more than 15 percent of power generated in Texas, and that share is likely to grow following the planned closure of three aging coal plants operated by Vistra Energy.

"Renewable energy is not an alternative technology; it is now the dominant source of new generation capacity," said Scott Jacobs, chief executive and co-founder of clean-energy investment firm Generate Capital. "The single thing that will continue to drive renewable energy forward as well as other clean technologies is the compelling value proposition that they offer customers."



U.S. nuclear power plants rely on foreign sources for 89 percent of the uranium they need for fuel, and the plants easily can be disabled during a disaster, such as the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami that caused a disaster at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant, the CPUC officials added.

California also is working to wean itself off natural gas. Utilities are increasingly turning to batteries to store extra power needed when demand is high, rather than rely on conventional natural gas-fired peaker plants.

Other states are gearing up for more renewables as well. New York, Massachusetts and seven other Northeast states agreed in December to切电厂排放由至少30%的by 2030. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which allows power plant operators in the states to buy and sell pollution permits, has led to a 40 percent reduction in power plant emissions since 2005. Switching to renewables is a key strategy to cut emissions.

New York, Massachusetts and seven other Northeast states will cut power plant emissions by at least 30 percent by 2030.

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