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The Elkington Report


How about an SUV, scientific papers and some plastic trash?

Yes, I knew that oil giant BP had sponsored the British Museum’s令人惊叹的展览on the Scythians, an extraordinary — and long-forgotten — nomadic people who held sway across Siberia from 900 BC to 200 BC. But only when I read BP CEO Bob Dudley’s foreword to the accompanying coffee table book did the irony hit me full force.

感谢您的赞助,达德利先生。But isn’t it slightly dissonant that, on a timescale radically shorter than the 700-year one covered in "Scythians: Warriors of Ancient Siberia," your industry is creating a world in which millions of once-settled people will be turned into new forms of nomad — environmental refugees?



Knowing that some modern people have insisted on being buried with their TVs or cell phones, it’s not hard to understand why Scythian chiefs might want to be entombed with their weapons, utensils and the odd handmaiden or two.

But I promptly found myself wondering how today’s world should set about burying fossil fuel executives, when dead, to prepare them for a suitable afterlife?

It goes without saying, almost, that we should insert their distinguished corpses into the biggest available SUVs, with electrically charged door handles, armor plating and impenetrably tinted windows. Plus, of course, an executive assistant or two at the ready in the reclining passenger seats. But what other artifacts might we want to include to illuminate the day-to-day realities of these executives’ own "heavy competition for survival"?



Nor is this just about the hydrocarbons Big Oil helps us burn. Given the modern alchemy used to transform fossil hydrocarbons into polymers, we would be in dereliction of duty if we failed to fill all the remaining luggage spaces with oozing scoops of plastics from the great, clogged gyres of today’s oceans.



In the same way that archaeologists decode the world pharaohs thought they lived in from the paintings on their tomb walls, so the words and images contained in such publications nicely capture the cognitive dissonance haunting many such corporations. Exactly the same spirit as captured in Augustine’s long-ago prayer: "Lord make me chaste [read sustainable] — but not yet!"


As I write these words, I resonate with Umair Haque’s conclusion that 2017 was the year when we were all"Trumpnotized"并想知道我们现在如何单击我们的集体手指。而且,像许多其他人一样,我想知道什么时候人工智能会取代我 - 或者当我有一个自学成才的机器人同事时。

Meanwhile, having sensed the“ Techlash”时代来了,如我们所示Project Breakthrough在变化的出血边缘,对创新者的采访,我着迷于了解到,预计采矿比特币和其他加密款项的能源消耗将在2018年增加十倍,这可能会在年底之前与意大利的总能源消耗相媲美。

我真的很高兴看到沙特阿拉伯已成为第一个授予机器人公民身份的国家。她被称为索菲亚- 而且,有趣的是,可能是在倡导人权。

All of this even before we get to the truly racy predictions. For example, that 2018 will see the first人头移植, albeit with the patient surviving less than 48 hours. If this proves doable, and patients survive, perhaps some well-heeled CEOs can delay the day when they finalize their purchase orders for the grave goods needed to set them up for eternity.




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