绿色工作are the hot topic these days -- with the economy in full meltdown and the environment looking much the same way, more and more people are looking for new jobs that benefit the planet.
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莎拉·菲斯特·盖尔(Sarah Fister Gale)spoke with Peter Beadle, the founder of GreenJobs.com -- one of the oldest sites dedicated to jobs in green companies -- about tips and tricks for people on the green job hunt.
莎拉·菲斯特·盖尔(Sarah Fister Gale):Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I thought maybe we could start by having you introduce yourself and then I want to talk to you both about what Green Jobs is and then about the kind of professional jobs that you are seeing on the market right now and how our readers can position themselves for those jobs. So if you wouldn’t mind, let’s just start by introducing yourself.
彼得·比德尔:好的。Well, my name is Peter Beadle. I’ve been in the energy business for over 35 years. Twelve of those have been in solar and renewable, the last 12, of course.
Sales and installation and you can’t call those high tech, but the technology -- the ones that actually provide technology are certainly high tech, they require R&D as well as engineering.
SFG:That’s a good point. So if I’m in college and if you’ve got people starting out or for students pursuing a degree, how do they position themselves to be attractive to this community so that they can get these jobs?
PB:I’ve said about the masters in renewable energy in Europe which is a European -- called the European Masters. Some several of the individual universities that don’t participate in that program also offer bachelors course degrees in renewable energy. There’s some in engineering, some in just the science background, and the same is true in the U.S. Stanford has a big program. I think they give bachelor’s degrees, and masters, similarly for California, University of California.
SFG:Let’s say you have a degree and some job experience outside of the green energy field, but you want to get into that. Maybe you have worked in a related technology or maybe you’re more in a management position. Are there things that you can do to make yourself more attractive to hiring these positions?
PB:好的。我认为 - 好吧,我的观察是,它是基于一家名为“绿色工作”的公司,向外看正在发生的事情。因此,它注定是斑点的,而且不能全面。但是我似乎看到的是,正如我所说的那样,它在一开始就更容易了。一开始的问题实际上是找出机会。
因此,我不断地从那个职位的人那里得到问题 - 您知道,毕业或即将毕业并想进入可再生能源,但由于看不到广告宣传的工作而感到沮丧。我只能说在当地看,然后看Craigslist,因为我的猜测是广告或当地报纸的地方。他们当然需要那些人,并且正在雇用这些人。他们只是不使用绿色工作,这是全球工具。
PB:On something like Green Jobs. You can’t control who reads the web.
You know, and you really start from the premise that renewable energy companies just like any other companies. You know, it has all the same kinds of people, same kind of posts, from CEO down to janitor, and it has to fill those posts the best way he can. You know, so the low level and the entry level, they’ll do that as locally as possible. If they see your level and the vice-president level, it’s just probably the next easiest way to break in because those guys are all highly experienced. Normally their expertise is directly applicable to the industry they’re looking at or directly tranferrable. In other words, it’s related.
And the higher you go, the less important it seems to be. You know, so if you’re a CEO, a record of -- a successful record of high tech stock ops may be more important than exactly what the stock ops were as long as they’re technology based.
You know, similarly, for CFO, experience of startups, of rasing capable venture capital and that kind of stuff, it’s putting more of the stuff than the actual kind of company that you were involved with.
SFG:好吧好吧。好吧,如果您是中间的人,对吗?您吗?如果您40岁,并且您一直从事中间管理,那就做到这一点 -
PB:好的。好吧,您看 - 首先,当人们打电话时,我对他们的建议越来越多。有点达到了我们甚至无法回答的地步,但是幸运的是,至少有了电子邮件,您可以将它们放在等待列表中。
一个,决定要去哪里,因为太阳能不像风,它不像 - 这不像生物燃料或生物量等。他们是不同的行业。
So if you’re going for solar, say, then find out about the industry. The more you can talk the language, know what all the acronyms stand for, and how it is produced and how its cost is justified in what the payback is, the more you can talk the language of the company. And even if you haven’t got the experience, they recognize your knowledge base and you stand more chance of getting an entry. The higher up the tree you go from the bottom all the way through, not just at the top end, the more important networking is.
He’ll be snapped up quickly. And it’s the same for people who are trying to get a promotion in this industry. If they know your face and know your name and recognize you from the past, you’ve got a lot more chance than somebody who they've never heard of.
SFG:你怎么 -
PB:You may have exactly the same credentials. How do you do that?
SFG:Yeah, if you’re not going –
PB:Than the national one. It meets more regularly and it’s much more informal. When I say low key, I mean informal. And so, you know, it don’t cost you that much. It’ll cost you time, but you get to meet people who actually are in the industry, you know, the members that most of them at least are already in the industry.
SFG:正确,正确,好 - 再次,良好的网络。当您参加这些活动时,您应该去寻找工作吗?
PB:It doesn’t hurt, but I think -- and, you know, you could be lucky that occasionally have job fairs and jobs advertised at them and if you attend even -- like there’s a solar power conference every year, which is the biggest in the U.S. It varies from -- it’s been in the west coast most recently, but it has been on the east coast as well. I think last one was at San Diego last year, last fall.
But they often have jobs advertised as well and so you know when they get a chance to go around and visit all the booths and talk to all the companies and the people running those companies, but yet just to see what jobs they’ve got advertised.
You know, so and the more they see you, the more you give them your card and shake their hand, and the nice thing about -- I mean the solar power conference is kind of not the best forum -- at least I don’t think it is because there are just so many people there.
而且,销售人员专注于出售商品,而不是听您想卖掉自己的东西。但是他们 - 当地协会有各种各样的事情,您知道,它的正式程度要少得多,交易少得多,交流的机会较小,但是良好的网络机会更好。因此,我认为这两者的混合就是您想做的。
SFG:That’s a good point. You don’t have to be a scientist to work at one of these companies.