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Transforming corporate clean energy commitments into action

在唐纳德特朗普总统宣布退出巴黎气候协议的日子里,超过1,200多个城市,国家,大学和公司宣布,“我们还在。”These pledges, which former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), include commitments by over 260 corporations, including PepsiCo and Walmart, to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with the latest science.

That was the backdrop for this year'sREBA SummitVERGE 17,超过400多个能源领导人聚集在一起讨论机会,通过围绕公司采购清洁能源的挑战来讨论机会和工作。(Reba代表可再生能源买家联盟。)

与会者在硅谷事件表示the 66 percent of Fortune 100 and about 50 percent of Fortune 500 companies that have made public sustainability commitments. Similarly, over 100 corporations have committed to RE100, a coalition to source 100 percent renewable energy, and 100-plus companies are ready to transact through the企业可再生能源中心(BRC)。


Purchasing renewables is often the easiest and most meaningful way to address sustainability and stability.
General Motors is a prime example of this. During the REBA Summit, itannounceda new 200-megawatt wind energy deal that will power its manufacturing plants in the Midwest and bring the company's renewable energy coverage up to 20 percent of all electricity use in 2018. To replicate its success, here are three factors that businesses should consider when turning commitments into results:



This push from corporations for renewables is driving the market. For example, Appalachian Power in coal-rich West Virginia is shifting toward wind and solar, and has closed three coal-fired plants in recent years. This came about in part as a result of a summit meeting that its parent company, American Electric Power (AEP), held with corporations including Walmart, Facebook, Hilton and Procter & Gamble. According to a recentNew York Times article, "Those companies stressed that if they were going to expand their businesses in AEP regions, they would need access to low-carbon energy."

As more companies turn their pledges into action, they are sending an important market signal to power producers, regulators and policymakers that clean energy is valued and markets should adjust accordingly. With over 7.5 gigawatts (GW) of renewables capacity being sourced directly by corporate buyers, this demand for more clean power isn’t going away anytime soon.


我们历史上低天然气价格抑制在美国的电价。可再生能源与天然气竞争,这是如此便宜,甚至煤炭无法竞争。但尽管有风和太阳能成本have fallen 40 percent and 64 percent自2008年以来,分别在批发电力市场上分别在批发电力市场上运行煤炭植物 - 这表明它与廉价天然气竞争的费用是多么挑战。


3. Corporates must understand the economics

Renewables are competitive on cost in many parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean that each individual deal or power purchase agreement will be economically viable. In deregulated wholesale markets, where companies can support putting new renewables on the grid, buyers face an economic puzzle that is constantly changing.

To make an economic argument for purchasing renewables, buyers must not only consider the cost of energy, but also evaluate the relationship between the fixed cost they will pay and the floating market price they will receive.

好消息是,许多公司正在投资教育和专业知识,以发展对电力市场的制度理解。从谷歌这样的经验丰富的球员到市场上的新进入者,如家具制造商Seelcase,拥有知识渊博的能源团队是迈向可行的可持续性实践的关键步骤。竞彩足球app怎么下载武装那些具有正确工具的人也很重要。在其作为非营利组织的作用中,BRC致力于帮助开发诸如其诸如此之类的工具市场分析平台, which helps users quickly evaluate hypothetical wind or solar facilities at over 4,000 locations across the country by estimating both the fixed costs that a buyer might expect to pay and the floating market prices a buyer could expect to receive based on real market data. Equipped with knowledge and analysis, companies successfully can complete economically smart renewable energy deals.


The United States is facing a critical economic juncture. There will be fewer leadership opportunities in a clean energy industry that is seeing more demand — not less — from the most significant multinational companies around the world.


在一个recent testimony对于美国参议院能源和自然资源委员会,BRC表示,“可再生技术的成本曲线继续下来,而没有美国的领导,公司和投资者自然会在其他地方寻求更具活力和不断增长的市场。”

Economic investment in clean energy also includes investing in the overall power infrastructure. Markets right now are relying on an antiquated electric system, which is one reason we’re seeing price pressure. Investing in infrastructure, such as building more high-voltage transmission lines, coupled with investing in newer technologies, will bring about lower costs and more jobs in the long run than replacing aging fossil fuel plants.

各种规模的公司在现场屋顶太阳能中发挥作用 - 从可再生能源的大量非现场采购,宣传和公共支持可以使能让新的,不断发展的能源系统有益的政策。企业已经为这一新行业提供了强大的声音。然而,现在是时候超越声乐支持,并开始意图进入行动。
