



. Climate denial is well-funded, anti-scientific, self-interested, crazy…and understandable, given the massive assets buried in fossil fuel reserves, and the lengths to which their owners will go to prevent those assets from being stranded.

气候沉默是,嗯......在某种程度上更令人不安的是,更加危险,更难理解。美国总统奥巴马回避竞选,也许是政治算计中的主题,最终让自己受益匪浅,并开始讨论这句话一旦当选。但长时间再次NYT?最终,超级台风桑迪证明比任何政治逻辑更有效......而这只是它会多少$ 30-100十亿“事件”采取移动到获得房间里的大象到桌子中间的一个问题。


EPA won in court on emissions regulations, faced ongoing challenges from the House on everything from authority to regulate coal ash to its fundamental legitimacy as a shared public function. (There, I’ve said it: I’m one who believes that government is basically to collaborative expression of the shared will of the people; nothing could be more legitimate. But more on that another time.)

战斗将继续。什么是开始改变是政治定位;as we saw in the defeat California’s 2010 Prop 23 ballot initiative (which threatened to block the state’s innovative climate policy), what used to be a battle between “business” and “environmentalists” will increasingly be a battle between “fossil” (in more ways than one!) business and everybody else (including most other business sectors, as well as environmentalists).



These two gems continue to move forward, though they still seem a bit “out there” to some of our clients, despite the opportunities and the growing examples of business value. OneSun, Inc., an energy company focused on ultra low-cost solar based on green chemistry and biomimicry. One of the pressures driving these innovations: the rising challenge against legacy, take-for-granted toxic chemistry Just one example: effective January 1, 2013, chlorinated tris, which阿琳·布卢姆的研究从婴儿睡衣早在1977年,将不再在美国消费产品生产帮助删除。绿色化学的承诺:我们可以设计分子做什么,我们需要他们做的,没有不良的后果。仿生学的承诺:自然可能已经想通了。

The conversation is elevated. There’s lots of buzz—you couldn’t have missed it—about Big Data the Internet of Things. Radical Transparency still scares the dickens out of most business people and “Open Data” still has a long way to go. But as my friend Andrew Winston observed,透明度会失去战斗,但会赢得战争。


The steady and accelerating strategic shift continues to drive a widening competitive gap, as some companies (Method and Unilever, to name a few) race to embed “sustainability” as a driver of business value, while others—with a financial stake clearly stick in the past—dawdle. But if the cascade of value-eating disruptions of the past few decades is any indication, a strategy bent on preserving the past is doomed. Just ask Borders and Blockbuster.



. The US Defense Department (often a major driver of technology innovation) has been investing in renewable energy, biofuels and efficiency, including in 2020 goals to reduce energy intensity 37.5 percent, water consumption intensity 26 percent, greenhouse gas emissions 34 percent, and produce or Procure at least 20 percent of electricity from renewable sources. Why? DoD has a clear strategic vision of the national security implications of climate and energy policy, measured in metrics as stark as the number of troops killed defending convoys delivering diesel to forward positions in Afghanistan at an estimated cost of $400/gallon), and the vulnerability of the US economy to supply disruption of critical [+imported+declining+hazardous+conflict-zone] raw materials.


A bit overstated, yes, but coal is already in decline, as nuclear has been for years. Speaking of stranded assets…this is a big one, and a pointed reminder of the depth of the conflict/. The国际能源机构的世界能源展望在2012年11月发布的,宣布“不超过三分之一的化石燃料的探明储量可以事先年到2050年,如果世界要实现2℃目标被消耗掉。”



I flagged Puma’s initiative on the environmental profit and loss statement (EP&L) in my 2011 Top Stories. But I was surprised—and delighted—to see the news out of the Rio conference that十几或两个以上的公司已上升到挑战的这样做。我很高兴,但并不感到惊讶,瑟不断增长的首席财务官数量越来越深入地参与解锁可持续经营的商业价值。

Last and certainly not least is the matter of massive value. (Not a top story that I missed. More the story that I’m living in, as we unlock the potential. Many of you have heard me say—for some years now—that “sustainability may represent the biggest opportunity of the 21st century.” I still believe that, expect now—based on recent work with key clients—I think I may have understated the opportunity.


