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Strategy firm BCG pledges net-zero impact, eyes ‘carbon positive’ future

BCG in Hudson Yards

Business strategy organization Boston Consulting Group will use remote workplace lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce per-employee travel by at least 30 percent by 2025, one key element of the $8.5 billion company’s new commitment to achieve net-zero status for its own operations by the end of this decade.

It’s also planning an investment push that will see it fund carbon removal projects at an expected cost of $35 per metric ton in 2025, increasing to $80 per metric ton in 2030 — far higher than the amount companies traditionally pay to purchase carbon offsets on voluntary markets.

声明都没有able, for different reasons. The consulting industry traditionally has relied heavily on travel to deliver services — it represents 80 percent of BCG’s total footprint, for example. Reducing that activity is something that neither the consulting sector nor its clients would have imagined was possible at the end of 2019, BCG CEO Rich Lesser told GreenBiz.


While BCG hasn’t made any specific commitments about what that model might look like, Lesser said it could include using videoconferencing for certain sorts of engagements in the future rather than sending someone for an on-site meeting or arranging for consultants to work at client locations on a staggered, rotating basis rather than all at the same time.

Within its own operations — it has 21,000 employees and offices in 50 countries — BCG is aiming to reduce direct energy and electricity emissions by 90 percent per full-time employee against a baseline measurement of 2018, according to the new set of commitments the company announced Tuesday. It previously committed to purchasing 100 percent renewable energy and will use energy-efficiency measures to fill the gap.

Beyond 2030, BCG aspires to be "climate positive" — by removing more carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere on an ongoing basis than it actually emits through its own activities. While the company didn’t publicly identify projects in its press release about the new commitments, those investments will be for both nature-based and "engineered" solutions. "I suspect it will be a mix of both," Lesser said, adding that BCG will prioritize "change the game" kinds of solutions.

One example of an organization with which BCG already works is Indigo Ag, the company behind the Terraton Initiative, an effort to draw down 1 trillion tons of atmospheric CO2 through regenerative agriculture and soil wellness initiatives. Indigo is growing fast both in terms of funding and connections with farmers, which are hoping to get credit for the carbon sequestration potential of their agricultural practices. In early August, it added $360 million in new financing, bringing its overall total to $535 million. The Indigo Marketplace, where it links growers prioritizing sustainability practices directly with grain buyers, has completed more than $1 billion in transactions since September 2018.

'The model has yet to be fully proved out, but there is massive capacity," Lesser said.

Aside from its own commitments, BCG also has pledged up to $400 million in services — such as research or consulting support through itsCenter for Climate Action— to support environmental organizations, industry groups, government agencies and others working on net-zero projects. It works on more than 350 such projects with more than 250 organizations, including the World Economic Forum, WWF and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

How does BCG's new pledges compare with other leading business consulting firms?

McKinsey & Companydeclared carbon neutrality2018年,并将排放符合巴黎协定,其中6030岁以上购买能源减少60%至2050%。它还积极参与其供应商 - 包括世界上最大的50个航空公司和五个最大的酒店集团 - 如何提高环境绩效。它具有很大的可持续发展实践,专注于帮助竞彩足球app怎么下载其他企业减少自己的影响。

Another business consulting heavyweight, Bain & Company, wasdeclared carbon neutral由自然资本合作伙伴在2012年。它自2011年以来将其直接排放量减少了70%,达到了20%,达到了2040年的达到了90%。它致力于在2015年至2025年之间提供高达10亿美元的Pro Bono咨询工作。。(到目前为止,它已提供约3.35亿美元。)

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