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Private investors are eyeing opportunities in sustainable infrastructure as the Biden administration makes the case for new legislation that provides much-needed funding for green infrastructure initiatives across the United States.

随着基础设施占据中心地位,决策者和投资者都将目光投向了如何以高价为项目提供资金。美国公民工程师协会(ACSE)最近为美国目前的基础设施条件提供了C-Minus得分。在里面报告, the ACSE estimates the United States faces a $2.6 trillion shortfall in infrastructure needs.新法律向美国基础设施项目分配了5500亿美元such as roads, highways, broadband, power and water systems, and climate resiliency over five years.

At the recent VERGE 21 conference, Melanie Nakagawa, senior director for climate and energy at the National Security Council who has advised President Joe Biden on his climate plan, emphasized the importance of forming partnerships between private investors and the government to tackle the monumental task of meeting the country’s infrastructure needs.

"Trillions are needed from private investors to fill the [financial] gap," Nakagawa said. "The way we [the government] see it and how we are trying to address it here is first, to scale up infrastructure investments to fill the gaps. And second, ensure that existing money, current investments, are aligned with net-zero pathways."


The momentum provided by the infrastructure bill comes at a time when private investors are looking toward sustainable infrastructure as a way to diversify their portfolios with stable, inflation-linked cash flows, all while contributing to a greener future.

在评估私人投资在可持续基础设施中的作用的Verge 21对话中,小组成员讨论了克服债券的性能,这是增加私人投资的主要障碍。为了吸引更多的私人投资者,担任大湖圣劳伦斯州长和总理执行董事的大卫·纳夫茨恩格(David Naftznger)确定了创建绿色项目管道的必要性。

"Globally, you have $35 trillion being invested in sustainable infrastructure, $17 trillion of which is in the United States … you have a huge reservoir of capital looking for investible deals. In order to put that reservoir to use, we need to present models and deals that work consistently for investors," Naftznger said.

Globally, you have $35 trillion being invested in sustainable infrastructure, $17 trillion of which is in the US … you have a huge reservoir of capital looking for investible deals.

在一个study经济合作与开发组织评估机构投资,这是建立绿色项目管道的理由,认为这会给投资者提供更多的确定性,即将有后续投资级绿色基础设施项目而不是一个项目- 投资不太有吸引力的项目。NAFTZNGER认为,与其他机会(例如证券化产品)一起提出的此类管道可以帮助潜在的投资者在衡量风险时依靠并塑造基础设施项目未来市场的框架。

Avoiding information bottlenecks

Shilpi Kumar, a partner at the investment platform Urban Us, noted the importance of transparency and accessible information in streamlining private investment into green infrastructure.

"In order to avoid information bottlenecks, we need to provide investors with a breakdown on what is happening in each sector," Kumar said. "With the infrastructure bill, we need to be thinking about what categories and line items private investors should be thinking about. For example, with water, you have things like clean water, piping servicing and long-term water supply given climate change. In order to increase investment, we have to expand understanding of the project space."

Private-public funding provides launchpad for innovation

小组成员指出,储能资产,太阳能和碳捕获和存储是观看的类别,而尼尔·里克纳(Neal Rickner)是高程公司的现任管理合伙人尼尔·里克纳(Neal Rickner),他以前曾在诸如风力涡轮机技术等项目上领导过Google的团队,他建议投资者朝着迈向谷歌的项目。创新由私人公共合作伙伴关系促进。里克纳(Rickner)解释说,最近的政府资金鼓励企业家在基础设施领域寻求机会,推动该领域的初创公司激增。




"I always say, ‘Boring is beautiful.’ There is a lot of animation and that’s terrific; investing in new ideas and technologies is transformational," Naftznger said. "However, there is value in traditional boring returns. There are trillions of dollars that are looking for long-term predictable returns and are trying to base their investment decision-making around these cornerstones of the portfolio. Infrastructure could provide that."


"I served in the Obama administration as well, and while it was a 175-gigawatt renewable target then, today it is 450 gigawatts," Nakagawa said. "If you are a renewable developer, India has your attention. But how you facilitate the actual scale of renewable development and investment is in the boring things. So we’re providing commercial paperwork and shifting supply chains to allow for acceleration."

"These investments are opportunities to transform the way we live our lives," added Naftznger of the future of private investment in sustainable infrastructure. "Infrastructure has changed drastically over the past 20 years. Investors care about making this change as much as the everyday people that benefit from them. So it’s important to show investors what’s repeatable and … practical pathways to achieving what we all want."

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