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I responded, "No, we need to get a climate change champion to run for president in 2020."


If President Donald Trump has demonstrated one thing to all, it is the absolute power of his office, especially when unencumbered by the established norms of acceptable presidential behavior. No matter how debased the office of the presidency becomes over his remaining three years, at this point, the presidency remains the essential prize of the climate movement.

Imagine how you would be feeling, sitting here today, if the president of the United States were Michael Bloomberg instead of Trump? You might not agree with him on everything, but you would be pretty confident that he would be well-focused on going after the BIG thing.

也许下一个周期,彭博 - 代表共和党的共和党翼 - 坐骑对特朗普的主要挑战。如果我被授予我国三个愿望,彭博社的主要挑战将是第一个。彭博社对特朗普的共和党初选中!这将是一个很好的!气候肯定会提上议事日程。

我的第二个愿望是,美国选民的历史反射成立下次选举周期中形成。据说上的个性,美国选民的投票,他们的青睐,其个人特征偏离现任总统最候选人。当然,最近的历史提供了可信的理念:贵族的布什41让位认为合群克林顿好醇”男孩布什43脑奥巴马 - 特朗普。


The single most important question to all presidential aspirants will be, "Why do you want to be president of the United States?"

We need a candidate who answers that question, 'I am running to be president in order to win the fight against global warming because time is running out.'

That is where my third wish begins — with the right answer to THE question — but the answer needs to come from the right candidate.


But, you probably are asking, aren't all Democratic candidates likely to be "climate champions"?


You see, there is this problem with Democrats. They are serial do-gooders. They want to solve all of the world's problemssimultaneously.


That is why we need a presidential candidate for whom climate change not only registers in their brain but burns in their heart — a candidate who believes so passionately in saving the planet that it pretty much is their only thing — the only thing they want to talk about; the only thing they will prioritize, the only thing that they are focused on.

We need a candidate who is like Steve Forbes talking about flat tax or Forrest Gump's friend Bubba talking about shrimp.

An ability to break out of the political scrum early is essential. The list of people lining up to run against Trump will be massive, in part because Trump has revolutionized the presidential selection pool.

在1960年之前,选择任意日期the start of the "modern era," anyone could be president of the United States so long as they were a naturally born, over 35, white male of Anglo-Saxon origin with significant time spent in public service. And, of course, they could not be Catholic or Jewish or LDS, but instead had to at least make a showing of being religiously observant in a "mainstream" Protestant faith.



德韦恩“岩石”约翰逊previewed his runon SNL. Are we sure he was kidding? Oprah Winfreythat she might run. Her reasoning is simple: if a second-rate TV personality such as Trump can be president, why can't a TV legend such as her qualify?


We need a climate change candidate who can shine along side Oprah and the Rock.
A western state governor such asJay Insleeof Washington orJohn Hickenlooperof Colorado, perhaps? Inslee, for sure, is a bona fide climate warrior. He even haswritten a bookabout it.

What about a climate candidate from our industrial heartland? Let's face it, our candidate doesn't win unless they win back Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

What about an almost governor of California? More than one highly credible devoted climate advocates are lining up to succeed Jerry Brown in California. How about whoever fails in that race taking a shot at the Oval Office? Keep in mind that losing a bid for lower office does not foreclose a successful run for president. Abraham Lincoln went directly from losing a Senate election to winning the presidency; Richard Nixon went from losing … oh, ok, let's just skip the Nixon precedent.



The purpose of this article is not to provide an answer to the climate change candidate question but to flag the need, the urgency and the fact that the field is wide open.



Or should we be asking Oprah how passionately she feels about the Earth's surpassing 400 ppm?

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