
Power Player

My clean-energy green dream

我有幸在上周参加Corporate Eco Forum's每年confab - 一个了不起的事件中,我们的最大和最前倾公司顶级专业可持续性扎堆既酝酿和实竞彩足球app怎么下载践谈论克服道路上的障碍,以实现碳中和。


My answer: I would have the world's 100 largest corporations put me in charge of their collective energy procurement worldwide, with the mandate to make them all 100 percent carbon-free by 2025.



As this is my green dream, I am not only going to assume that the world's 100 biggest companies, who represent roughly $15 trillion in market cap, will entrust in me their energy budget for the next eight years, but also that they are literally begging me to do it. They consider me the Mother Teresa of clean energy and, as such, I have the clout to dictate the terms of my procurement engagement.

I concede only one condition, which is that they will not spend more on energy in 2025, in real terms, than they did in 2017. In exchange, they agree to the following 10 conditions.


第二,I get to be responsible for all corporate energy procurement, not just electricity. I get to be responsible for transportation fuels as well. This is important because we will be able to optimize only if we can more fully integrate our two massive conventional energy delivery systems — electricity into buildings and gasoline into cars — into one system, thereby enabling the use of the latent secondary storage potential of battery-powered transportation as a partial remedy for the fundamental intermittency of renewables and, equally, using car charging as an energy sink for excess renewable energy at times when it is not needed for traditional uses.

While I am at it, I also want to talk to those of the Global 100, typically the beverage companies, which include in their long-term sustainability goals "fresh water neutrality," about helping them with desalinated fresh water produced at night by with excess wind power and during the中午鸭子的肚子用过量的太阳能。

第三is that I get to be responsible for energy management at the Global 100 so that I can implement large-scale energy-efficiency programs. It is nonsensical for me to be responsible for energy procurement, production and delivery but not for how energy is consumed. It would be like trying to pass off counterfeit $100 bills with Ben Franklin on one side and nothing on the other. It just won't work.

Fourth,I get unilateral discretion to decide when, where and how I roll out my 100 percent green procurement — company by company, technology by technology or country by country. Almost certainly I would choose country by country in an attempt to tap into the competitive dynamic between countries and their utility service territories.

第五is that, to the extent I could save money on the Global 100's energy procurement against their 2017 spend, I get to use a portion of that savings for a marketing/PR campaign on behalf of the Global 100. While this green dream of mine is innately collaborative, it is not naive. There will be laggards and recalcitrants. I need to have the ability to play into the competitive dynamic between companies: Coke versus Pepsi. McDonald's versus Wendy's. Marriott versus Hilton.

If one protagonist in a competitive sector is 'all in' — doing the right thing by the planet — and the other is not, I want to let the customers they compete for know, particularly millennials.
如果在竞争激烈的行业主角之一是“一切” - 由地球做正确的事 - 和另一个不是,我不想让他们争夺了解它的客户,尤其是千禧。我知道一个事实,即所有的CEO们吓死有关获取对千禧一代错误的一边。

第六,I want to be able to pump a second portion of the savings we achieve into a dedicated venture capital or private equity fund to address energy poverty around the world with clean-energy solutions. Why, you ask? Because it is the right thing to do, and that is simply who we are as an industry.


第八,I will have to beg the CFOs' indulgence to play hardball with the financial institutions with which they do business. My message to the banks is that if you want to do business with the Global 100, you need to help finance our clean-energy build-out. Plus, I need competitive terms and I need innovation from lenders in terms of financing these new clean-energy facilities.

Specifically, given the pace of change in every one of the Global 100's core businesses, it is nonsensical for corporates to sign up for more than a 10-year power purchase agreement in any location. There needs to be a new financing solution to "the tail" risk. That risk should not, need not, be taken by the corporate off-takers.






第十,我的任务是到2025年使全球100碳中和,八年以后,90%以上的谁在2017年推出这一举措的首席执行官将地方了。我想目前的全球100强CEO们的承诺,为他们参与他们的后继者的有序选择,以至于为前提,该选择他们会坚持他们的继任者重申他或她的承诺,我们的“碳中和” 2025年努力。

Those are the 10 conditions of my "what-if."



If we successfully can leverage our collective purchasing power to get a country or a utility to go 100 percent carbon-free itself, then we truly are on the path to victory in the pivotal battle of our generation.


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