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该国的国家气候承诺到2020年建造的所有新建筑的50%的呼叫被认证的绿色建筑(PDF), while its 13th Five-Year Plan prioritizes building efficiency. Following through on these commitments would grow the country’s green building sector from5 to 28 percent by 2030 (PDF), representing a $12.9 trillion investment opportunity.


The question is: How can those responsible for building construction — namely, cities, towns and developers — deliver on the lofty goals set by the national government?


中国的一些城市开始向我们展示th forward on how to improve building efficiency in the face of massive development and urbanization. Threeshared their stories at a recent eventin Beijing:

Benchmarking buildings through energy performance data


You can’t change what you don’t measure. Energy monitoring systems collect data about buildings’ energy use to improve operators’ understanding of how and when they consume energy. Operators then can optimize a building’s energy performance by adjusting heating or cooling systems, lighting levels or hours of operation, leading to significant savings.

上海长宁区制定的能源监测平台,该小区的165层公共建筑的轨道160。由于该项目,32楼已经改造平均达到20和%的节约能源。为了鼓励其余的133层公共建筑进行改造,该区利用第三方对其能源性能评级系统,以速度建筑物考虑,一个strategy that’s proved effective在其他语言环境。

该区还以补贴,以帮助建筑管理者提供百万$ 3.34让自己的建筑更加高效。这降低了私人部门,这反过来又鼓励他们投资2033万的额外$的投资回收期。

Linking financial incentives with green building certification



To drive the construction of energy-efficient buildings, Wuxi issued an innovative investment guidance policy in February 2016: incentives for buildings that meet criteria under two green building certification programs, LEED and China’s national three-star rating system.

即实现在任何认证项目的最高绿色建筑评级建筑物接收来自区政府73620 $;与认证的下一最高级的建筑有资格获得$ 2.905万奖励。类似的激励措施到位的使用热泵技术,太阳能光伏发电系统和其他能源效率和可再生能源技术。

While it’s still early to see the full impact of this incentive program, Wuxi is clearly leading by example: the district already has achieved the highest level of the latest LEED certification for the new Wuxi Xinwu District Ecological Civilization Pavilion Project, one of only 36 buildings in the world to do so.

As China continues to urbanize, entire new cities are being built from scratch.

Developing a new city with green buildings

As China continues to urbanize, entire new cities are being built from scratch. Suzhou Taihu New City in Jiangsu province is one example. Currently in the planning and design stages, Suzhou Taihu New City will house 200,000 residents and focus on high-end service industries such as education and training, research and development, tourism and finance.



A model for other cities





