
GreenBiz Reads

约翰·多尔(John Doerr):“计划只与实施一样好”

John Doerr speaks at TED Countdown Summit on October 14, 2021 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

John Doerr speaks at TED Countdown Summit on Oct. 14 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Photo by Ryan Lash / TED

Adapted from "SPEED & SCALE: An Action Plan for Solving Our Climate Crisis Now“约翰·多尔(John Doerr),由Portfolio于11月9日出版,由Portfolio出版,企鹅出版集团的烙印是Beringin Group,LLC的Penguin Random House,LLC。版权所有2021。


作为风险资本家,我的工作是寻找巨大的机会,针对大挑战并投资于大型解决方案。我以谷歌和亚马逊等支持公司的支持而闻名。但是,环境危机使我见过的任何挑战相形见war。尤金·克莱纳(Eugene Kleiner)是克莱纳·珀金斯(Kleiner Perkins)的已故联合创始人,克莱纳·珀金斯(Kleiner Perkins)是我已经与之相处的硅谷公司(Silicon Valley Firm),剩下的十二个法律已接受了时间的考验。第一个如下:无论新技术看起来多么开创性,都要确保客户真正想要它。但是这个问题使我援引了鲜为人知的克莱纳法律:有一段时间是恐慌是适当的回应。

That time had come. We could no longer afford to underestimate our climate emergency. To avert irreversible, catastrophic consequences, we needed to act urgently and decisively. For me, that evening changed everything.

My partners and I made climate a top priority. We got serious about investing in clean and sustainable technologies — or "cleantech," as they’re known in Silicon Valley. We even brought in Al Gore as the firm’s newest partner. But despite Al’s excellent company, my journey into the world of zero-emissions investing was pretty lonely at first. After the iPhone debuted in 2007, Steve Jobs invited us to launch our iFund for mobile apps from Apple’s headquarters. We were hearing great pitches from mobile app startups; I could see opportunities left and right.



Kleiner Perkins got beaten up in the press. But with patience and persistence, we stood by our founders. By 2019, our surviving cleantech investments began to hit one home run after the next. Our $1 billion in green venture investments is now worth $3 billion. But we have no time for a victory lap. As the years roll by, the climate clock keeps ticking. Atmospheric carbon already exceeds the upper limit for climate stability. At our current pace, we will blow past 1.5 degrees Celsius (or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) over the Earth’s preindustrial mean temperatures — the threshold, scientists say, for severe planetary damage. The effects of runaway global warming are already plain to see: devastating hurricanes, biblical flooding, uncontrollable wildfires, killer heat waves, and extreme droughts.



Fortunately, we have a powerful ally in this fight: innovation. Over the past 15 years, prices for solar and wind power have plunged 90 percent. Clean energy sources are growing faster than anyone expected. Batteries are expanding the range of electrified vehicles at an ever lower cost. Greater energy efficiency has sharply reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

While a good many solutions are in hand, however their deployment is nowhere near where it needs to be. We’ll need massive investment and robust policy to make these innovations more affordable. We need to scale the ones we have — immediately — and invent the ones we still need. In short, we need both the now and the new.


More than anything, we need a clear course of action. That’s why I’ve written this book. With help from some of the world’s foremost experts in climate and cleantech, I created Speed & Scale to show precisely how we can drive greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2050. My hope is to build on the hard-earned triumphs and lessons of our climate pioneers and heroes, many of them hailed in these pages. They’re the ones who blaze new trails by executing better and smarter.

计划仅与实施一样好。为了实现这一巨大的使命,我们需要使自己负责每一步。这是我从英特尔传奇首席执行官安迪·格罗夫(Andy Grove)那里学到的一堂课。这是我看到的咒语,一遍被证明:想法很容易。执行就是一切。

要执行计划,我们需要正确的工具。在我的上一本书《衡量重要的事情》中,我概述了安迪·格罗夫(Andy Grove)在英特尔(Intel)发明的简单但有力的目标协议。他们被称为OKR,或目标和关键结果,他们指导组织专注于一些基本目标,以在各个层面保持一致,以伸展雄心勃勃的结果,并随着他们的发展而跟踪他们的进步 - 衡量重要的事情。


Do we have enough time?我们希望如此,但是我们很快就用完了。

我们有很多错误的利润吗?No, we don’t. Not anymore.

Do we have enough money?还没有。投资者和政府正在加紧。但是,从公共部门和私营部门都需要更多的资金来开发和扩展清洁经济的技术。最重要的是,我们需要将花费在肮脏的能源上花费的数万亿美元来清洁能源选择,并更有效地使用该能量。


