

Frontier由Stripe于今年春季推出,宣布了其前六个项目获奖者:Assosadac(公司碳的子公司),方解石 - 矿石(8河与Origen之间的合作),修理,维修,石灰华和活碳。

Investing in carbon capture technology

Investing in a greener tomorrow. Image via Shutterstock/Lovelday12

“如果您建造它,他们将购买。”乔安娜·克里兹克(Joanna Klitzke)边境, told me, citing her company’s slightly altered "Field of Dreams" inspired mantra.

在这种情况下,“ IT”并不是指幽灵的运动主题避风港,而是由“预先市场承诺”推广的直接碳捕获技术(AMC)由Stripe于4月推出一个小组的资金接近10亿美元,其中包括Alphabet,Shopify,Meta和McKinsey。借用AMC结构疫苗开发方案, the Frontier fund is committed to financing early-stage solutions and technologies that represent the next generation of permanent carbon removal. But what is an AMC specifically, and why is it, and thus Frontier, different from the current investing structure for climate tech?

In a nutshell, an提前市场承诺依靠一个拉融资机制that would "award advance purchase commitments to bidding firms." Explained plainly by Ranil Dissanayake, policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, pull financing is like a horse race: It catalyzes the incentive for the horses to compete against one another for the ultimate prize, by promising a future payout depending on where they place. In contrast, the model most currently used for funding innovation is the push financing mechanism, which would be the equivalent of cutting out the race and putting all of your money on one horse (or investing in one single company) to take a solitary run around the track a few times. Essentially, said Dissanayake, an AMC is the equivalent to firing "a starting gun on a race."


  • AspiraDAC(子公司Corporate Carbon):澳大利亚的Assofadac使用模块化和可扩展的太阳能技术吸收CO2。名为金属有机框架(MOF)的全新解吸技术将包裹在太阳能电池板衬砌的结构中;
  • Calcite-Origen: A joint venture between8 Rivers(from North Carolina) and the U.K.’sOrigen,该项目将结合Origen的零碳石灰制造工艺和8条河流的方解石去除技术;
  • 立刻: Seattle-based company uses artificial intelligence to create soil models specific to a singular farm. That model then allows Lithos’ tech to precisely scatter basalt on the farmland, a chemical that converts and dissolves atmospheric CO2 into a bicarbonate;
  • RepAir: A company hailing from Israel, RepAir has created an electrochemical device that uses electricity to separate carbon dioxide from the air. The clean air is then released and the CO2 is stored or used;
  • 石灰华:科罗拉多州博尔德的一家公司,将二氧化碳去除技术与其他环境和行业福利相结合。具体而言,石灰华的电化学工艺从空气中去除二氧化碳并将其作为矿物质储存,同时还产生硫酸,硫酸是一种可用于元素开采和肥料生产的化学物质。和
  • Living Carbon:一家总部位于旧金山的生物技术公司,该公司在基因工程中生长加速生长和二氧化碳清除和存储。

"We’re really looking for something that would be at the scale and magnitude to really jumpstart the [carbon removal] market," Klitzke said. And the selected technologies are Frontier’s freshman class of future carbon capturing powerplayers. Each startup tackles direct carbon capture in a unique way, from genetically engineering trees to grow faster and sequester greater amounts of carbon to constructing a solar-powered direct air capture system.

Therigorous application requirements(shared publicly, along with each applicant’s submitted proposal), thoroughly judged by a panel of experts, minimize risk for Frontier’s investments. And this is crucial. All six companies are listed as tracking in the "prepurchase" phase, described by Klitzke as "early small dollar contracts to get more companies to the starting line." There is also an offtake agreement Frontier uses with larger-scale suppliers ready to begin carbon capture, but none of the first six options fell into that category. As the prepurchase-contracted companies grow and capture larger quantities of carbon, the goal is to create a new, reliable and profitable marketplace.

Once the tech is off the table and on the field, Frontier pays their winners (coined suppliers). The carbon removed then gets sold as carbon offsets, creating a profitable cycle at an increased rate, scaling up the current carbon offset and direct carbon capture industry.

对于Frontier的主要投资者而言,投资碳去除技术并不是什么新鲜事物。它有nurtured an investment programfor three years. Stripe is an online system that provides businesses with payment infrastructure, including everything from customer-facing payment options and online checkout pages to invoicing and billing services. Stripe’s气候倡议允许每个企业为支持新兴的碳清除技术提供一小部分收入。




编者注:此故事于2022年7月15日更新,以正确更新Joanna Klitzke的报价上下文,并更新Stripe的应用程序呼吁。

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