
Inside Capgemini's bold transformation plan for net zero by 2030

CapGemini headquarters in Madrid.“>
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CapGemini headquarters in Madrid.

Alexandre Rotenberg


毕竟,世界领先的气候科学家在IPCC的地标2018年报告中明确表示,未来10年在决定这个星球是否有可能限制平均全球变暖到一个可管理的机会 - 如果远离理想 - 水平在21世纪,为政府和企业提供巨大的动力,尽快向净零驶向净零。

That is precisely where Capgemini's expertise comes in, explains James Robey, the firm's head of corporate sustainability.


Over the next 10 years, carbon reduction efforts will be a central element of Capgemini's work with its clients, which include some of the world's largest automotive, telecommunications, consumer goods and retail companies. The firm's new sustainability strategy, unveiled last month, includes a pledge to help its clients save 10 million tonnes of carbon between now and 2030 — a figure 20 times bigger than its own operational footprint.

Over the next decade virtually every business on the planet is going to have to radically reconsider their business models if we are going to get to an outcome aligned with 1.5 degree climate science.

“We are a business about helping our clients transform," Robey muses. "There is therefore a strong alignment with what we are doing with our clients every day and helping our clients through their journey through sustainability," he says.

此外,凯捷有很好的track record when it comes to designing and delivering on sustainability programs. In January, before the coronavirus took a huge bite out of corporate travel and energy consumption, the French-headquartered firm sailed past its previous target to achieve a 30 percent carbon reduction per employee against a 2015 deadline, 10 years ahead of its 2030 deadline.

该公司已刷新并重新启动其愿景,承诺在2025年使用“高质量抵押品”,如重新造林,在其全部供应链中净零碳排放到2030年之前,在其自身的运营中实现碳中立。目前正在验证,与1.5度的温暖情景保持一致 - 它以前已经针对2摄氏度的设定 - 并涉及到2025年延伸使用化石燃料产生的功率。




Robey stresses that Capgemini's focus on travel emission reductions and virtual collaboration long precedes the coronavirus crisis. Between 2015 and the end of 2019, the firm reduced its travel emissions per employee by 22 percent.

But he concedes that while virtual collaboration has been at the heart of Capgemini's sustainability mission for many years now, the pandemic been a "game changer" in terms of catalyzing its acceptance.

“While 100 percent remote delivery is not going to be the correct answer forever, coming out of COVID-19 we will be looking to find a new equilibrium which is much more agile and flexible to delivery, with a significant lower dependency on always relying on travel to have face-to-face meetings," Robey says. The firm intends to share some more resources over the months on the best strategies for virtual meetings and workshops.

Capgemini的可持竞彩足球app怎么下载续发展团队遍布多个国家,是虚拟协作成功的证明。“哲学是,我们建立了最好的人的团队,”罗伯说。“我有很多人从U.K中与我合作,但我也有人从荷兰和印度工作。然后,我们在所有大都会中有国家队。”为了在所有50个国家的CAPGEMINI工作中提供“一致和敏捷”的可持续性方法,该战略在中心设立,然后在与使用IS竞彩足球app怎么下载O 14001环境管理系统的关键国家讨论“流下来”。

India, home to more than half of Capgemini's employees, is responsible for roughly 44 percent of the group's emissions. In order to bypass what he describes as a "more challenging" renewables market, Capgemini has installed 5GW of solar power across its campuses, with its Bangalore office the first corporate campus in the country to receive net zero platinum certification from the Indian Green Building Council. The plan is to continue to drive reductions in staff travel and to purchase renewable energy over the months to come in order to meet the firm's more stretching targets.

随着越来越多的公司因越来越多的公司而在雄心勃勃的可持续发展目标和他们的客户产生的排放之间的脱离,例如,微软已经承诺实现“负排放”,但它继续提供AI技术和服务竞彩足球app怎么下载石油和天然气公司 - 将CAPGEMINI的新可持续发展承诺影响它需要的客户类型吗竞彩足球app怎么下载?Robey紧紧终止细节,但揭示了该问题的雷达。“这是一个现在正在讨论的问题,而过去它永远不会被讨论,”他说。“我们不是在舞台上,我可以给你一个'是'或'否'答案,但它肯定是一个现在在议程上的主题。”

Still, the firm is aware that its clients in oil and gas, automotive and fast moving consumer goods have carbon footprints several magnitudes larger than its own, which is why its new strategy for the first time includes goals to curb its clients' environmental impact. "Our own carbon footprint last year, excluding commuting, was around 470,000 tonnes — almost half a million tonnes," Robey explains. "You can start to see that some of those industries have carbon footprints in the tens, if not hundreds of millions of tonnes of carbon. Therefore we are keen to recognize that the sorts of services we are supplying to those clients have the ability to be delivering carbon savings."

Overall, however, Robey is buoyed by a growing recognition within Capgemini — as well as across its clients and the wider private sector — that sustainability is a core business priority. "My major reflection over the last decade or so is that the conversations have become easier in terms of the justification for sustainability," he says. In the past, green initiatives had to be backed by a watertight business case or accompanied by an argument for their social or reputational merits, but the last 18 months have seen a much-needed seismic shift, he explains.

当然,净零的旅程中仍然可能是一条漫长的道路,但至少商业和可持续性广泛 - 而且正确 - 被视为同一硬币的两面。竞彩足球app怎么下载





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