


Strategic decisions to boost production

3个因素按伯纳德·吉罗,总裁刺激了投资者,以加强小农生产森林和农产品,同时提高社会和环境成果,生计创业。对于家庭农业组织的新基金将投资百万$ 141在未来10年的目标是在非洲,亚洲和拉丁美洲的小农户。

首先,小农户 - 450万,全球计数 - 生产了大部分的食物是来自发展中国家。然而,他们往往与低效率,低产量的耕作方法的收入有限的斗争。


第二,快速砍伐森林和土壤侵蚀farming can degrade air and water quality. This also can cause public health and social justice concerns. Depleted resources then further reduce smallholder productivity and cause economic vulnerability.



In response, new impact funds seek financial returns from the production of forest and agricultural goods. These returns can be boosted by environmental markets that pay for stewardship practices that have social and environmental benefits that promote the triple bottom line.

Early adopters such as Livelihoods Venture,Althelia生物圈,世界银行BioCarbon Fundfocused investments in forest carbon offset projects. The sole returns to investors are in the form of carbon offsets. These offsets have social and environmental co-benefits embedded in them or certified separately.




In line with this more comprehensive approach, investor groups have diversified to include private investors, companies looking to reform their supply chains, and public development agencies. These agencies are motivated by sustainable development, ecosystem services and social benefits.




"What’s going to become of our palate — the scents and flavors we give to buyers — 50 years from now?" said Dominique Roques, head of naturals purchasing at Firmenich, the world’s largest privately owned perfume and flavor company. Firmenich sources 180 natural ingredients across 40 countries. "We rely 90 percent on smallholders. If Indian farmers don’t want to produce tuberose anymore, it could disappear from the palate. There are examples of where it has already disappeared."

At the forum, funds shared some financing strategies they use to invest in sustainable land use. They included landscape bonds promoted through the Global Canopy Programme’s Unlocking Forest Finance initiative, early-stage private equity investments by the Terra Bella Fund, and Credit Suisse’s environmental-performance-indexed facility.

Companies investing in Livelihoods Venture sign purchasing agreements with project developers to sustainably source raw and value-added products from smallholders. In exchange for upfront financing for a project, they receive commodities and carbon offsets in return.

Projects need to be able to absorb $10 million to $15 million to be of interest to investors. Rates of return vary widely from as low as 5 percent for impact-focused returns to the low 20 percent range for higher-risk projects. The extent to which these funds can support smallholder farmers ultimately depends on the level of aggregation and the scale of commercial returns possible through specific forest or agricultural commodities.


"A major challenge is the need to change the mindsets of farmers from just harvesting something and getting the best price to understanding quality, which fundamentally starts with how farmers deal with soil," said Manoj Kumar, CEO of Naandi Foundation, which runs the Araku Valley project in India as part of the Livelihoods Venture portfolio. "Another challenge is for large numbers of farmers to go beyond producing raw materials at the bottom of the supply chain to the next step of processing, and becoming partners in value creation."

Transformation does not happen overnight. Projects require risk-tolerant, patient impact investors due to high upfront costs and delayed paybacks.

Clement Chenost, co-founder of the Moringa Fund, a public-private partnership that has raised almost $95 million to invest in agroforestry in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, said that blending public and private investors allows for longer investment horizons than would be possible with private investors alone.

取而代之的是一个典型的由风险厌恶的资本投资者的追捧三年,这些新基金可以提供个人投资持续8至10年 - 与自己长达20年的资金。


The high costs of monitoring and evaluating project outcomes are a big barrier to investment in smallholder projects, which are often fragmented and diverse in constituency and implementation.

Third-party certification standards from the Verified Carbon Standard, Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance have proliferated. However, there is no universal standard. Funds often develop their own impact metrics to satisfy investors’ demands for assurance that their investments have impact.

"The private sector tends to base its investments on a few quantifiable metrics as proxies for all things," Kumar said. "It is more concerned with, ‘Will it work or won’t it work? Let’s do it cheaper next time.’ Don’t crumble to the private sector. Stand up for what you are confident in."


彼得·霍姆格伦,总干事国际林业研究, said the key investments are really made by the local smallholder farmers who bear the greatest risk. "Making it easier for farmers to earn a living while leaving soil and forests intact is what will make a difference."


How scalable and accessible such investments are remains to be seen.

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