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How to tell your sustainability story

竞彩足球app怎么下载可持续发展本质上是“一种无形的想法,”但它没有保持这种方式。这就是如何接龙汤森描述的那样,反映很多的希望参加我们GreenBiz 16事件in Scottsdale, Arizona, last week.

Townsend, co-founder of Futerra Sustainability Communications, kicked off a lively presentation that blamed a surplus of acronyms and other barriers for preventing sustainability professionals from making their work known to the C-suite, consumers and so many stakeholders in between.


That’s why M. Sanjayan,Conservation International's‎executive vice president and senior scientist,said a recent audience of his was surprised when he said the seafood sustainability standards of McDonald’s and Walmart are equivalent to those of Whole Foods.

另一个例子:沃尔玛和法国电力公司花了十年主要致力于可持续发展的里程碑。竞彩足球app怎么下载What’s the most important thing EDF Executive Director Diane Regas said she wants to happen moving forward? Telling Walmart’s story.


“There really is a need for big companies with big ad budgets to bring the consumer to the level that they’re at," said Sanjayan.



'Don't conform to norm'

Futerra's Townsend focused her message on a now-classic marketing campaign that turned heads, drove sales and even influenced French policy.

Rather than toss misshapen produce into the dumpster, French supermarket Intermarché flaunted its twisted carrots, potatoes and apples at a 30-percent discount. Supplies sold out, forcing the chain to scramble for more "inglorious" fruits and vegetables while adding to the“丑粮”趋势在社交媒体上起飞。

“Don't conform to the norm," she said, applauding这个竞选“反直观的方式可持续性运动可以工作。竞彩足球app怎么下载...这是真的好,功能强大,操作简单,围绕可持续发展情感投入的力量。竞彩足球app怎么下载




When your goal is to win over hearts and minds about environmental woes, wordsmiths often appeal to core emotions such as fear.

One mind-changing moment often referenced in sustainability circles was Bill McKibben’s 2012 Rolling Stone cover story,“Global warming’s terrifying new math."

It intentionally "scared the pee out of people,” said author and entrepreneur保罗·霍肯。这篇文章是基于数据驱动通过碳跟踪的马克Campanele研究。“Mark said, 'Let’s turn that math into poetry.'"

保护国际提供的不同的工作poetry in its 33-line "Humanifesto,"这开始了:“大自然并不需要人们人们需要的性质。”


In a separate campaign, the nonprofit appeals to fear and many other emotions with its "Nature Is Speaking" video campaign, the广告大师李克劳,的想法是,著名的苹果“1984”超级碗商业。



针对儿童,Disneynature film series aims to instill love for the natural world with titles including "African Cats" and "Earth," said Disney Senior Vice President of Environmental Affairs Beth Stevens.

Yet images, whether moving or still, pack limited power.

In 2015, NASA offered the first photo of the earth since the famous 1972 "blue marble" image taken from Apollo 17. While beautiful, it "doesn’t tell you what has happened to our world and what has happened to us," said Glen Low, co-founder of the Earth Genome Project. "This photo served as inspiration but not information."

1,000 points of data?


低,等等,希望,Big Data can solve the biggestenvironmental challenges. However, he said, "人们会迷恋上的数据,而不是洞察它可以提供给公司。”许多公司已经开始相信大数据既不容易找到,可也不相关。

That’s why the Earth Genome Project created a Green Infrastructure Support Tool to visualize mass amounts of data. The platform lets users see the potential ecological and business benefits of green infrastructure projects. It layers maps to help visualize the potential size, cost, final value, ROI and payback period of projects to enhance water quality.

For decision-makers, software can tell new stories and provide new answers, or what you might call "actionable information."


开放数据和工具,可以保证更多的人不仅获得这样的“故事”,还参与创建新的。项目亏损,例如,试图通过提供超过100审核重写厄运和忧愁气候变化的必然性的故事,开源解决方案to counteract carbon emissions, from afforestation to wind turbines.


Internal software is also key for creating corporate strategies. VF, the umbrella company for apparel brands including Wrangler, Jansport and the North Face, uses powerful platforms to understand its core consumers. That has "allowed us to really focus and amplify not only our culture but also our message," said Stewart Whitney, president of Timberland, which VF purchased in 2011.

相反,VF研究Timberland的消费者调研,了解是什么驱使围绕可持续行为,品牌的消费者表示,VFGlobal Director of Corporate SustainabilityLetitia Webster.Timberland的营销团队已经发现,与“绿色”龙头不与消费者,谁往往使更多的基于风格采购共鸣。


在站立室只突破上在GreenBiz 16评书会议上,当被问及如果他们面临的挑战通讯在工作中最手上涨。


When selling sustainability, there are a variety of mindsets to win over. Townsend broke them down into three types, based on价值模式研究从20世纪70年代。

大画面的思维能够激励所谓的“绿色先锋”的类型,在家中所有的大画面的原因,如降低排放安装太阳能发电。Most of the GreenBiz 16 audience raised their hands to identify with these trailblazers.


The third type of mindset, the “gold prospector,” by contrast, "lives in a world of the self," Townsend said. These people would install solar panels only if they shone from the front of the house (and if they featured mirrors?). Few hands in the conference ballroom admitted to being "gold prospector" types. However, Townsend said, this describes you if you paid more than $40 for your shoes (probably the entire room).

普华永道主要目的官员和企业社会责任的领导者,香农斯凯勒echoed Townsend’s advice to know who you’re targeting, yet she honed in on the millennial generation.


竞彩足球app怎么下载可持续发展的专业人才往往被如何到达世纪80年代初和21世纪初出生的消费者的误导,她说。而这个人群并不一定适合想“拯救世界”的刻板印象-at least not until they’ve already worked a few years.


“We’ve been trying to say, ‘Hey, let’s figure out how to help you save the world,'"斯凯勒说。最终哪些事项?“这不是什么,它不是如何,这是为什么。”


最后,担心融化的冰帽和垂死的品种可能会促使一些行动,但灾难性的思维也麻木的心灵。也许是时候改写了厄运和黑暗的故事。保罗·霍肯advocated for becoming“无畏和聪明。”


