
How to invest in green bonds


富裕国家已经承诺到2020年在气候融资为贫困国家筹集每年$ 100十亿,他们仍然远远低于其目标,即使一些主要国家如的


绿色债券正在迅速成为最流行的机制之一,允许投资者直接回低碳和气候变化适应项目,与发行预计今年将达到$ 60十亿到$ 70十亿。由气候债券倡议,环境署与世界银行最近的一份报告预测,随着地方适当的支持,1万亿$的绿色债券可能在一年到2020年发行,堵塞一大块的气候融资缺口。

But the nascent market still faces a number of challenges, with investors unsure about what they should be looking for when investing in green bonds.


那么究竟什么是绿色键,你怎么知道,如果你在一个投资?简单地说,它是一个气候为主题的债券 - 一张欠条从政府,银行或机构寻求筹集资金投资于与气候有关的项目。

But as the market has grown, attempts have been made to set standards and help investors be sure their money really is helping to tackle climate change.


These officially labelled green bonds try to guarantee the proceeds directly will pay for a low carbon infrastructure or climate adaptation projects, such as renewable energy development or flood resilience measures.

官方标记的绿色债券市场余额为$ 66十亿今年夏天以极快的速度在增长,但相比于非官方气候对齐的债券市场,这是值得每年$ 532十亿仍然相对较小。

The standard is a good starting point and brings some certainty for investors, but many people may have more questions.

For example, some investors may feel uncomfortable about an oil giant issuing a green bond that promises to invest in solar panels. They may deem it hypocritical for a company that makes the vast majority of its profits from contributing to climate change to seek to raise money for low carbon alternatives.

Similarly, a company which is broadly considered green in its activities does not automatically qualify for the label when it issues bonds — it has to prove the money will be funding climate measures.

Investors remain split on these issues. For example, Manuel Lewin, head of responsible investment at Zurich, said it is crucial for these more controversial companies to issue green bonds as a way of helping to raise awareness of the emerging market. "If the green market was only the green poster children and only the window solar companies would issue green bonds, I don't think it would make a big difference," he warned. "The very fact that green bonds can be appealing to banks and oil companies — that's what really makes a difference."

He argues the green bonds market needs to find a way to welcome low bonds from high carbon companies. "We would like to see more companies come to market — those companies that are a bit more controversial and where you need to think a little bit harder about whether we're going to be comfortable with that," he said. "But the market needs that. I think this is a good thing."

Some investors are not providing a clear enough mandate at the start, allowing them to then claim they have delivered on promises that were too vague to begin with.



“Transparency is the most important thing in this market," Lewin said. "It's not realistic for there to be a single and absolute standard that will define what is green and what is not. So in the absence of that, it's really important that as investors, we have transparency to make up our own minds."



But as the market has grown, so too has the range of issuers. This year the biggest proportion of issuers so far has been corporates, while banks and cities also have taken a slice of the market share.




What's the impact?

As well as ensuring the money went where the issuer promised, you should also seek to find out if the bond had the desired climate impact. In short, did it deliver on the greenhouse gas reductions that it promised?


苏黎世的列文说,为确保他们得到他们支付,他的团队定期检查与发行人 - 对话不只是最终一旦投资已经取得进展。

With the market still in early stages, it's difficult to know how many green bond issuers have failed to deliver on their pledges. But this is probably because some investors are not providing a clear enough mandate at the start, allowing them to then claim they have delivered on promises that were too vague to begin with.


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