How to Climb (or Get On) the Green Corporate Ladder

Cheri Chastain在2006年攻读环境地理研究生学位时,担任回收助理Sierra Nevada Brewing Company在加利福尼亚州的奇科。这是一场兼职的付款,她花了大部分时间跟踪酿酒师的回收努力,以更好地解决它从垃圾填埋场转移的东西以及如何做得更好。
Chastain is one of a new breed of professionals who are turning their environmental passion and industry knowledge into lucrative career opportunities. In an economy where job losses are rampant, some reports predict up to two million new “green” jobs could be created as part of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan.
尽管其中许多工作可能是蓝绿色的品种 - 劳动力多于管理,但大学毕业生和中级专业人士将有很多机会进行绿色职业。
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•在您自己的公司中启动回收计划和其他绿色计划,以确立自己的绿色方面的专家。然后,如果您的公司决定在室内建立绿色职位,那么您将成为工作的首要任务。 • Calculate the bottom line results of your green projects or volunteer efforts before including them in your resume or job pitch. Hiring managers will be more impressed by your efforts if they can see the financial, as well as the environmental, impact. •访问当地绿色行业公司的网站以搜索职位空缺 - 许多公司不在国家工作委员会上发布职位。 •加入当地绿色协会并参加志愿者机会。即使您没有绿色行业的工作,这些都是扩展网络,创建一些值得简历的经验并在公开之前了解新工作的好方法。 •向非营利组织提供志愿服务。不要仅仅注册一般志愿者工作,还要提出特定的方法,可以通过使用独特的技能来支持他们的努力。这为您的简历创造了更多的实质体验。 |
“I saw a lot of opportunities and I started working on different projects, talking to the owner about programs we could launch,” she says. “I started to carve out a niche for myself.”
Today Chastain reports directly to the owner and together they identify new ways the company can improve its environmental profile and its bottom line. As part of her job she tracks greenhouse gas emissions, researches biodiesel applications, and she is in the process of launching composting programs for the company’s break rooms and restaurant.
However, it’s not easy to make this transition, warns Neal Laurie, director of marketing for theAmerican Solar Energy Society(ASE)。他说:“专业职位是最受欢迎的绿色工作。”他指出,最近在一家大型太阳能公司的可持续发展经理发布的工作赢得了300多个申请。竞彩足球app怎么下载
Finding those jobs can also be tricky, in part because there are no standard titles to search for.ASES’ 2009 Green Collar Jobs报告列出了160个不同的绿色职位角色,这些职位从需要博士学位的执行级职位上运行范围。提供提供在职培训的入门级支持角色。
彼得·比德尔(Peter Beadle)建议,可再生能源行业的工作委员会。“顶部和底部的位置最容易获得,这是难以找到的中层工作。”
He notes that recent college grads have a great opportunity today to launch green careers by seeking out entry-level opportunities in green industry companies or local businesses known for their commitment to sustainability. Because these positions have lower salaries and don’t require a lot of experience, they are easier to get and a likely place for companies to recruit outside of their own employee base.
Pick Me
Repositioning your skill set and experience for a green economy is the key to getting your foot in the door for any professional green job. But it takes more than a commitment to the environment: The most attractive candidates are those who can show how their sustainability skills or experiences contributed to bottom line results.
“A key driver behind these positions is showing how you can generate cost savings while being sustainable,” says Laurie. “It adds so much credibility if you can quantify the savings you helped your business achieve through energy saving initiatives or other waste reduction programs. That’s what will give you an edge.”
For many people, the best place to start is within their own companies. Since sustainability programs are new but growing in popularity, many businesses are just beginning to recognize the need for dedicated green personnel, and they often look first to hire from within before posting job ads to the broader public. That gives current employees the best chance to showcase their environmental commitment and skills to management.
“组织这类程序为您提供了自己的公司内部谈论的内容,并帮助您将自己定位为未来的工作。”净影响, a San Francisco-based nonprofit networking organization for sustainability-minded students and professionals.
Opportunities are easy to find, and can be accomplished in any-size business, or even on a university campus, adds Laurie. “You just need to identify ways to reduce waste then analyze the cost savings,” he says.
Build Your Network
And remember, companies in green industries need all the same people that every other company does, Beadle advises. “They need managers, and HR people, and administrative assistants just like everyone else.”
他建议加入当地的绿色行业协会,例如Northern California Solar Energy Association。即使您在绿色行业没有工作,这些协会也提供了建立本地网络并接受关键问题教育的绝佳机会,而无需做出巨大的财务承诺。
Maw also suggests actively seeking out volunteer work with nonprofits and aligning your unique skills with the needs of the group. “It’s fine to help clean up a park, but if you are proactive in reaching out to these organizations you may find more substantive projects that will showcase your passion for a topic and build your credibility.”
Combining a portfolio of volunteer work and green initiatives you’ve led in your current role with a recognizable knowledge of industry topics is key to landing the best green jobs.
“There are a lot of really great ways to create opportunities for yourself,” says Maw. “And they can help turn your passions into a career.”
莎拉·菲斯特·盖尔(Sarah Fister Gale)是芝加哥的自由作家。