How the Clean Power Plan would work

该清洁能源计划announced by President Barack Obama on Aug. 3 sets the first limits on carbon pollution from power plants, the nation's largest source of the pollution driving dangerous climate change.
该Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issuedthe final Clean Power Plan (PDF)根据清洁空气法案,对国家重大大气污染法。该计划将灵活的和可实现的标准,给每个国家设计朝着更清洁的电力系统自身的最具成本效益的途径的机会。
该EPAprojects (PDF)that by 2030, the Clean Power Plan will cut the electric sector's carbon pollution by 32 percent nationally, relative to 2005 levels.
In 2030 alone, the EPA projects that there will be 870 million fewer tons of carbon pollution. This is like canceling out the annual carbon emissions from 70 percent of the nation's cars, or from the annual electricity use of all U.S. homes.
By shifting our electric grid toward cleaner electricity, the Clean Power Plan also will cut other power plant pollutants that cause asthma attacks and respiratory illnesses. The EPA projects that the plan will prevent thousands of premature deaths, 90,000 fewer asthma attacks in children and 300,000 missed work and school days in 2030.
经济学家把对清洁能源计划的气候效益$ 20十亿价值在2030年,和对生活的$ 14十亿到$ 34十亿价值保存和其他健康益处。虽然该计划将涉及约8十亿$守法成本在2030年,总收益将超过十亿$ 26费用$ 45十亿。
能源效率和更清洁的电力,这一转变将节省美国家庭平均在其电费$ 85到2030年,这些电费储蓄总额将达到$ 155十亿过去十年,导致到2030年。

Federal and state responsibilities
该EPA adopted the Clean Power Plan under the Clean Air Act, which the Supreme Court ruled inAmerican Electric Power v. Connecticutin 2011 provides the legal authority to control carbon pollution from America's fleet of fossil-fueled power plants. Under this authority, the Clean Power Plan establishes a federal-state process for controlling power plant pollution.
首先,清洁能源计划规定了现有的燃煤和燃气电厂国家的二氧化碳排放性能率。这些性能比率反映了实现使用“节能减排的最好的系统”(BSER),考虑到成本等因素的减排量。美国则不得不采取“国家计划”的机会 - 包括强制执行的排放限值 - 为他们的煤和天然气电厂。在清洁能源计划描述了多种方法,各国可以构建自己的计划和排放限制。
In the Clean Power Plan, the EPA identified the "best system of emissions reduction" for existing coal- and gas-fired power plants. Because power plants all supply the same product — electricity — and are all interconnected through the electric grid, the EPA determined that the BSER includes:
- Measures that can be applied at individual coal and gas plants (such as reducing emissions by burning fuel more efficiently);
- 允许植物所有者信用发电的混合移朝向产生较少污染的碳(例如,使用现有的燃煤电厂更少的和现有的气体植物产生更多)来源的措施;和
- 允许植物所有者信用用于发电用完全没有碳污染的措施(例如来自风力涡轮机,太阳能电池板或其它的零发射功率源与多个功率代替化石燃料发电)。
One of the biggest improvements in the final Clean Power Plan is that it reflects up-to-date data on the cost, performance and growth trends for renewable electricity generation. Wind and solar costs have declined by more than 40 percent compared with the EPA's outdated assumptions in the original proposal. As a result, the EPA projects much faster renewable electricity growth, and significantly more emission reduction as a result, than it did in the original proposal.
From these three building blocks, EPA established two national emission performance rates作为BSER - 一个用于蒸汽发生器,一个用于燃天然气联合循环(NGCC)涡轮机。(排放性能率限制的植物可以碳多少污染每单位释放电能,它产生,表示为每兆瓦时的CO 2磅,或磅CO 2 /兆瓦的。)这些限制以相同的方式被施加到所述状态,以获得每个州的规划目标。
该EPA carefully analyzed the cost and feasibility of cutting carbon pollution by a combination of the three building blocks, looking at what emission reductions could be accomplished across three big segments of the country's electricity grid (the Eastern Interconnect, the Western Interconnect and the Texas grid). The EPA used this analysis very conservatively, setting the national emission rate limits on the basis of the least stringent results coming from the building block analysis in the three regions.
这些国家排放性能利率将适用于在2022年开始的植物,它们将逐渐减少排放量在接下来的八年完全有实力在2030年,提供了“下滑道”许多行业利益相关者谁对原清洁能源计划评价的要求提案。2030年及以后,国家排放性能率将是:对燃气涡轮机1305磅CO2 /兆瓦燃煤蒸汽发生器,以及771磅的二氧化碳/兆瓦时。
Figure 2. National Emissions Performance Rates by Power Plant Type

States have an array of options to set limits
该清洁能源计划then gives states a range of flexible options for designing plans to set enforceable limits on power plant pollution.
Under this approach, each plant needs to meet the applicable enforceable emissions rate limit through a combination of reducing its own emissions rate and investing in emission reducing actions at other locations in the power system, either in the same state or elsewhere in the country. These investments can be made either directly or by acquiring emission rate credits—减免一代转向清洁能源or improving end-use energy efficiency. A power company can create those credits by taking measures within its own company, by contracting with another company to do so or by purchasing credits created by others in an emissions credit marketplace. The cost of compliance measures — both in-plant measures and emission reduction credits — then influences which plants run more and which run less.
国家特定排放速率限制。As a second option, the Clean Power Plan establishes state-specific emission rate limits.这些状态特定的限制是国家排放速率限制为煤和天然气加工厂,加权以反映电力从两个类型的植物中的每个状态在所述开始点在2012年产生的混合物的共混物。

As in the two-rate approach, each power plant uses a combination of its own actions and emission rate credits to meet the applicable state-specific emission rate limit.
“基于质量”的限制。许多其他联邦和州电厂污染计划建立群众基础的污染限制。酸雨和交叉状态烟雾程序,例如,限制多少吨污染的植物可以每年发射,而不是污染的每单位电力的产生量。州,包括加州和东北部和区域温室气体减排行动(RGGI)的大西洋沿岸中部地区成员组成的数 - 已经建立的群众基础的国家计划,以减少碳污染。许多国家和行业相关人士告诉环保局,他们希望这样的清洁能源计划中的选项来控制碳污染。
In response, the final Clean Power Plan establishes equivalent mass-based limitsfor each state. These limits convert each state-specific emission rate limit to an equivalent amount of tons per year, by multiplying the state's emission rate limit by the anticipated amount of electricity production in the state. The EPA's conversion method includes factors for economic growth and associated increases in electricity consumption. A state then can choose to write its plan to include an annual CO2 tonnage limit for each plant.
清洁电源计划允许各州选择的群众基础的计划两个版本。一个状态可以包括现有的和新的化石燃料发电厂,既需要保持津贴每吨排放。或者,它可以仅包括现有设备,但在这种情况下,状态必须考虑从“渗漏”污染的增加 - 移位代到帽之外的新的植物 - 这将意味着基于质量的限制不再等同于发射速率限制其从中衍生的。我们建议各国在群众基础的计划,以避免造成植物和减少污染的侵蚀之间的竞争不公平现有的和新的发电厂由于来自新工厂的排放。
“国措施”的计划。清洁能源计划允许一个类型的年代tate flexibility. Some states may want to place obligations, as a matter of state law, on entities other than fossil-fueled power plants to help meet Clean Power Plan goals. For example, a state could adopt a mass-based program that covers other industries as well as power plants. A state also could adopt or enhance "renewable portfolio standards" or other measures that place a state-law obligation on entities other than coal or gas plants to produce clean energy or achieve efficiency gains. The EPA will accept such a plan, so long as it contains enforceable backup limits (in rate-based or mass-based form) on carbon pollution from those power plants themselves.
Other state plan requirements.所有国家计划必须包括一些共同的要素。要获得批准,一个国家计划必须证明其对电厂实施的限制,这将实现相关的碳污染的群众基础的基于速率或限制。必须有足够的监测和报告要求。该计划已经表明,国家已经考虑电力系统的可靠性。该计划必须已经开发了公众参与和公众听证会之后,它必须表明国家已聘请利益相关者,包括低收入群体和其他弱势群体。

As already indicated, power plant owners can meet their emission limits least expensively through a combination of taking measures at the plants themselves and using emission rate credits or emission allowances, depending on which kind of plan their state adopts. States can submit "trading ready" plans either individually or in groups. States with approved plans can then allow their plants to trade credits or allowances with plants in states with approved plans of the same type.
In addition, the final Clean Power Plan creates a new Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) that will generate additional early compliance credits. The CEIP allows states to award credits or allowances to qualifying renewable electricity generation, and to qualifying energy efficiency savings in low-income communities, for emission reductions achieved in 2020 and 2021 before the compliance period begins.
Projects are eligible if they are initiated after the state submits its final state plan. The program is voluntary and rewards states that complete their plans early. Entities that earn credits or allowances in 2020 and 2021 can sell them to fossil power plants for use in 2022 or later to help meet their emission limits.
As an extra safeguard, the final Clean Power Plan includes a backstop reliability provision to protect the grid in the case of wholly unpredictable emergency events, while keeping the states on track to meet their final targets. States can grant a power plant an alternative, more lenient emission limit for up to 90 days if there are extraordinary circumstances requiring a plant to operate in excess of otherwise applicable pollution limits in order to maintain reliable electricity service. If such operations are needed for a longer period, then the state must make up for the plant's excess emissions through additional reductions elsewhere, or the state must revise its plan to stay in compliance.
Federal plan will guarantee pollution reductions if states don't act
In the rare cases where states choose not to act, the Clean Air Act provides a critical guarantee that the national government will regulate polluters directly.
To meet its responsibilities, EPA has proposed the federal plan regulations that it will implement if necessary. The federal plan proposal, now open for public comment, lays out both rate-based and mass-based options consistent with the Clean Power Plan provisions described above. It also includes corresponding "model plan" provisions that states can choose to adopt, simplifying the plan development process.
该清洁能源计划makes history by setting the first national limits on carbon pollution from America's power plants, the largest source of the pollution driving dangerous climate change. It provides power companies and states with a fair, reasonable, and achievable blueprint to cut carbon pollution over the next 15 years. It will deliver public health and climate protection benefits many times its cost. It will create thousands of good-paying jobs that can't be outsourced, and it will help Americans cut their monthly electric bills. Without doubt, the Clean Power Plan is a good deal for America.