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How the circular economy can help your company retain its competitive edge



Consider: Four billion pounds of carpet are sent to landfills every year, according to Hugh Welsh, President for DSM North America. The company, born as a mining giant (the initials originally stood for Dutch State Mines) and now a science-based solutions company, has a Dutch appreciation for adventure. And taking on big ideas.


For example, carpets: After realizing how much waste the carpet industry was producing because of the non-recyclability of its products, DSM decided to tackle the issue head-on by developing a carpet that would be fully recyclable without compromising quality, price, or durability.

结果:DSM NIAGA,一个100%的可回收地毯与启动设计公司的NIAGA合作开发和制造。

DSM Niaga ran its first production line in March and the carpet will be sold by Mohawk later this year. Customers will be paid to return the carpet after use to a recycling facility or to Mohawk directly so that it can be used as feedstock for the next line of carpet. Win. Win. Win.


美国的循手机app买球靠谱吗环经济正在迅速获得势头作为可行性和有利可图的替代线性造成的替代品。这是由此化的2015 Accenture study that estimated that the circular economy could generate $4.5 trillion of additional economic output by 2030. We work with more than 150 companies to help them learn, share, network and collaborate to help accelerate the circular economy transition in the United States and globally, such as through case study reports, research, events and pilot projects and programs.


Although DSM and UPS showcase practical approaches to how companies are leveraging these opportunities for growth, performance and competitiveness, it remains equally critical to continue increasing the understanding of key circular issues. To truly scale the circular economy in the U.S., amplifying and creating forums for continual sharing of ideas such as design, new business models, supply chain innovation and transformative partnerships remains a key component of our work.

例如,我们的年度手机app买球靠谱吗循环经济和可持续发展峰会竞彩足球app怎么下载作为一个关键的论坛private- and public-sector leaders to advance the dialogue and collective action around shared circular economy and sustainability priorities. This year’s event will focus on helping参与者确定他们可以采取的实际行动和解决方案将循环经济愿望转变为有利可图的行动,以优化资源,消除浪费,加速创新和性能,并有助于更强大的竞争性经济。手机app买球靠谱吗

For DSM, the event has been an important forum to exchange ideas, propel others to action by example, as well as push forward the thinking and investment in the sector through collaborations.


For DSM, investing in and experimenting with circular models presents a competitive edge as it rethinks its role and progress in a resource-constrained world.

As Welsh puts it, “The linear economy is doomed. The model of take-make-dispose is obsolete. We must figure out how to operate more sustainably, environmentally and profit-wise. Because no company can survive where society falls.”


  • Circular Economy Toolbox:We know we must continue to push forward on practical applications of the circular economy. So, we’ve partnered with The Sustainability Consortium and the Retail Industry Leaders Association to develop aweb-based toolbox to help companies integrate circularity into their core principles. Focused on easy application regardless of which stage you might be along the circular economy spectrum, the toolbox is meant to capitalize on the business value of circular models. We’ll highlight this at the summit in one of our deep-dive workshops designed to help attendees learn actionable steps to be more circular.

  • 超过34个试点项目:随着我们专注的努力推动更多业务采用循环模型,我们批评地意识到没有足够的基础设施,这些模型将失败。因此,为了促进美国的当地回收和恢复率更具可扩展性和切实的改善,我们推出了我们的第一个试点项目,超过34:新经济的回收和恢复. Developed in collaboration with Resource Recycling Systems and with initial funding from the Walmart Foundation, Target, Republic Services, Dow Chemical and Walgreens, Beyond 34 provides a platform demonstrating how to optimize recycling and recovery of high-value materials generated from commercial, industrial and residential sources through private-public partnership and adoption of best practices. At the summit, we will provide an update on the project and how other partners can get engaged.


To learn more, I welcome you to join us at the2017年首脑会议. (You can save 25 percent off registration using the code GB25.)

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